1. The joints of Islam were severed, so they collapsed,
And the towering pillar of religion was struck down, so it fell.
١. جَذَّ الردَى سَبَبَ الإسلامِ فَانْجذَمَا
وهَدَّ شَامِخَ طَوْدِ الدِّينِ فَانْهدَما
2. The heights of glory were blinded with sorrow and closed their eyes,
And the sword of glory fell in the west, so it was broken.
٢. وَسَامَ طَرْفَ العُلا غَضّاً فأغمضَهُ
وفَلَّ غَرْبَ حُسَامِ المجْدِ فَانثَلَمَا
3. God is greatest - how you laid waste, O cemetery!
You broke the backbone of piety and knowledge, so they were broken.
٣. اللهُ أكبرُ ما أَدْهَاكِ مُرْزيةً
قَصَمْتِ ظهرَ التّقى والعلمَ فانقَصما
4. You brought innovation to religion, which if
Jesus son of Mary were to be acquainted with, he would despair.
٤. أَحْدثْتِ في الدينِ كَلْماً لو أُتيحَ لهُ
عِيسى بنُ مريمَ يأسُوهُ لما التَحَما
5. Alas for the man whose passing grieved the people!
So after him they felt distress and pain.
٥. أَيُّ امرئٍ وَيْكِ أَفْجعَتِ الأنامَ بهِ
فاسْتشعَرُوا بَعْدَه التَّزفارَ والألَما
6. Each wipes his fingers in grief over him
And with regret dyes them with his blood.
٦. كلٌّ يُزيرُ ثَنَاياهُ أَنَامِلَهُ
حُزْناً عليهِ ويُدْميها بهِ نَدَما
7. They string the beads of sorrow linking them,
Matching the red drops of tears on their cheeks.
٧. وينثرونَ وسلكُ الحُزْنِ ينظمُهم
على الخُدُودِ عَقيقَ الدمعِ مُنْسَجِما
8. My longing - but why this longing for a lost
Glory, scattered into pieces, never to be pieced together!
٨. لَهْفي وما لَهَفي مُجْدٍ عَلَيَّ على
مَجْدٍ تَفرَّقَ أشْتَاتاً فما التَأَمَا
9. Longing for a star fallen to the ground,
And for a moon relegated after ascension to being stoned!
٩. لَهْفي على كَوكَبٍ حَلَّ الثرى وعلى
بَدْرٍ تَبوَّأَ بعد الأبْرُجِ الرُّجُمَا
10. Alas my two friends - be glad and prosper!
The archer of grief has hit your innermost being as he shot.
١٠. إيهٍ خَليليَّ قُومَا واسْعِدَا دَنِفاً
أصَابَ أَحْشاهُ رَامي الحُزْنِ حِينَ رمَى
11. We mourn the withering of abundant knowledge,
Whose abundant wave overflowed then dried up.
١١. نبكي خِضَمَّ عُلُومٍ جَفَّ زاخرُهُ
وَغَاضَ طَامِيهِ لَمَّا فَاضَ والتطَمَا
12. We mourn a youth whose domain injustice never entered,
Who allowed nothing but dove-like qualities.
١٢. نبكي فَتىً ما تخطَّى الضيمُ ساحتَهُ
ولا أَبَاحَ له غَيرُ الحِمامِ حِمَى
13. One whose sight makes the blind see,
Whose speech makes the mute speak!
١٣. ذا مَنْظَرٍ يُبْصِرُ الأعْمَى برؤيتِهِ
هُدىً وذا مَنْطِقٍ يَسْتنطقُ البُكُمَا
14. If he taught the wild beasts what wisdom fills them,
The beasts would gain knowledge from his teaching.
١٤. لو عَلَّمَ الوَحْشَ ما يُنْشِيه من حِكَمٍ
لَرَاحَتِ الوحشُ من تعليمه عُلَما
15. Or made the lion hear some of his preaching,
The lions would honor the sheep in their fear!
١٥. أو أسمعَ الأُسْدَ شيئاً من مَوَاعِظِهِ
لظَلَّتِ الأُسْدُ خَوفاً تُكْرِمُ الغَنَما
16. If fate were just in annihilating us and making him eternal,
That would be of its kind deeds and favors!
١٦. لو أَنْصفَ الدهرُ أفَنَانا وخَلَّدَهُ
وكانَ ذلكَ من أَفعَالِهِ كَرَمَا
17. He would not rest until he filled our hearing with pearls
Of his words and watered our minds with wisdom,
١٧. ما راحَ حتّى حَشَا أسماعَنا دُرَراً
من لَفْظِهِ وسَقَى أذْهَانَنا حِكما
18. Like rain that does not refrain from a land it afflicts
Until the plants it produces there thrive.
١٨. كالغيثِ لم ينأَ عن أرضٍ ألمَّ بها
حتّى يُغَادِرَ فيها النبتَ قد نَجَما
19. As if he were Jonah - God's prophet when swallowed
By the whale - in his tomb after being consumed!
١٩. كأنَّهُ وضريحٌ ضَمَّ جُثَّتَهُ
ذُو النُّونِ يونسُ لما أَنْ لَهُ التَقَما
20. O his tomb! Time has shaped no thing equal to you
Weeping copious tears that put even the clouds to shame.
٢٠. يا قبرَهُ لا عَدَاكَ الدهرُ مُنسجماً
من المدامِعِ هَامٍ يُخْجلُ الدِّيَمَا
21. Patience, my son! Patience is seemliest for the noble
When faced with calamities that have engulfed him.
٢١. صَبراً بنِيهِ فإنَّ الصبرَ أجملُ بالْ
حُرِّ الكريمِ إذا ما فادحٌ دَهَما
22. Misfortunes will not cease grinding
Their teeth against us - no man lives without them.
٢٢. هِيَ النوائبُ ما تنفكُّ دَامِيةَ الْ
أنيابِ مِنَّا وما مِنْها امرؤٌ سَلِما
23. So many nations time's caprice snatched away!
Beneath earth's layers they became decaying remains.
٢٣. فكمْ تخطَّفَ رَيْبُ الدهرِ من أُمَمِ
فأصبحُوا تحتَ أطباقِ الثرَى رِممَا
24. Had God protected anyone from this corruption,
He would have protected Al-Mustafa from it and shown reverence!
٢٤. لو كرَّمَ اللهُ عن هَذَا الردَى أحداً
لكرَّمَ المصطفَى عن ذَاكَ واحْتَرَمَا
25. May the God of the Throne shower prayers upon him as long as
The Kaaba pigeons circle the House and the Sanctuary!
٢٥. صَلَّى عليه إِلهُ العَرْشِ ما وَخَدَتْ
خُوصُ الركابِ تؤمُّ البيتَ والحرما
26. So remain for the duration of nights - time will not change you -
While your group remains coherently bound together.
٢٦. فابقُوا بقاءَ الليالي لا يغيّرُكم
دهرٌ وشمْلُكُمُ ما زال منتظِما
27. The eyes of dawn have not stopped weeping
Or the smile left the mouth of blossoms.
٢٧. ما استعبرتْ والهاتُ السُّحْبِ باكيةً
حَيَاً وما افترَّ ثغرُ الزهرِ مُبتسِما