1. O He who when the delegations stood at His door
And turned the palms of their hands towards its handles,
١. يا مَنْ إذَا وَقَفَ الوُفُودُ بِبَابِهِ
ولَوَوْا أكُفَّهُمْ علَى أسْبابِهِ
2. They returned, having filled the bags of their saddlebags,
With that which poverty does not dream of obtaining,
٢. رَجَعُوا وقد ملأُوا حَقَائِبَ عِيسِهِمْ
مَا لا يَهُمُّ الفَقْرُ أن يحظَى بِهِ
3. Have mercy on a stranger whom the hand of exile has isolated,
Who complains to You, and You know what is in him.
٣. ارحَمْ غَرِيباً أَفْرَدَتْهُ يَدُ النَّوَى
فَشَكَا إلَيكَ وأنْتَ تَعْلمُ ما بِهِ