1. O my intimate friend, I have made you the judge
Of what occurred yesterday between you and me
١. أَمَوْلَى الوَرَى إنِّي جَعلْتُكَ في الذِي
جَرَى أَمْسِ ما بَينِي وبَينَكَ قَاضِيَا
2. On the condition that if one rejects your judgment
You will find me accepting your judgment, pleased
٢. علَى أنَّهُ إنْ رَدَّ حُكْمَكَ وَاحِدٌ
فإنَّكَ تَلْقَانِي بِحُكْمِكَ رَاضِيَا
3. I ransom you - and the people whom you see
When the inevitable must be ransomed, ransoming myself
٣. فَدَيتُكَ والنَّاسُ الذيِنَ تَرَاهُمُ
إذَا حُمَّ ما لا بُدَّ مِنهُ فِدَائِيَا
4. Is it good manners that you grace your feet while leaving me
To walk barefoot on thorns?
٤. أيَحْسُنُ إنعالَيْكَ خَدِّي كَرَامَةً
وتَتْرُكُنِي أمْشِي علَى الشَّوكِ حَافِيَا
5. You drink from my palm a deadly draught
While I drink from you that which increases my thirst
٥. وتَشْرَبُ من كَفِّيَ فَماً يَقتُلُ الصَّدَى
وأشْرَبُ مِنْكَ ما يَزيدُ ظَمَائِيَا
6. Did you not see me turn my wretched faces to you
Leaving comfort behind me?
٦. أَلَمْ تَرَني استقْبلْتُ أَوْجُهَ شقْوتِي
لَدَيكَ وخَلَّفتُ النَّعيمَ ورَائِيا
7. Faces of loved ones have changed for me
Into faces of men to be guarded against as enemies
٧. وُجُوهُ أحبَّاءٍ تَبدَّلْتُ مِنْهُمُ
وُجُوه رِجَالٍ يُتَّقَوْنَ أَعَادِيَا
8. And pieces of my heart that melt over them
Beyond my tears, a fragment of my innermost being
٨. وأَفْلاذُ أكْبَادٍ تَذُوبُ عَليهِمُ
ورَاءَ دُمُوعِي قِطْعةٌ من فُؤَادِيَا
9. Hardship and harm have their way with them
While it would be disgraceful if I attained my wants from you
٩. يَنَالُ الجَفَا والضُّرُّ منهُمْ مُرَادَهُ
وهَانَ لو انِّي نِلتُ مِنْكَ مُرَادِيَا
10. And if an incident you brought upon me - if it were
With consent, its sides would cling in disgrace
١٠. وحَادِثَةٍ أنْزَلتَهَا بِي لو انَّها
بِرَضْوَى لخَوَّى جَانِبَاهُ تَدَاعِيَا
11. The high-born would avert their eyes for it
And conceal it behind their eyelids in denial
١١. يَغُضُّ لَهَا من طَرْفِهِ نَاظِرُ العُلاَ
ويكْسِرُ من جَفْنَيهِ عَنهَا تَعامِيَا
12. And suppose it did not come from you, but rather
I was struck by it by one incapacitated by God, an archer
١٢. وهَبْ أنَّهَا لَمْ تَأْتِ عَنْكَ وإنَّمَا
رَمَانِي بِها مَنْ شَلَّهُ اللَّهُ رَامِيَا
13. Then why did you disregard me in my tribulation
And scorn me in that circumstance in my abasement?
١٣. فَمَالَكَ قَدْ أغْفَيتَ عندَ مَسَاءَتي
وهَانَ عَليكَ عندَ ذَاكَ هَوَانِيَا
14. My resignation to it and acquiescence
Is from shame before it and excess modesty
١٤. وإنَّ قَرَارِي عندَها واستِكَانَتي
علَى خَجَلٍ منْهَا وفَرْط حَيَائِيَا
15. It casts my modesty back at Ibn Al-'Aasim
And clothes my honor in disgrace in that dishonor
١٥. يَرُدُّ عَلَى ابنِ العَاصِ عَمْرو حَيَاءَهُ
ويُلْبِسُ عِرْضِي عندَ تِلكَ المَخَازِيَا
16. Do not claim - and your word is truth - that I have changed
My affection or altered my praise
١٦. ولا تَدَّعي والصِّدْقُ قَوْلُكَ إنَّني
أَحَلْتُ وِدَادِي أوقَلَبْتُ ثَنَائِيا
17. God has cast my affection far in great distance
And brought near a man who was not intimate in friendship
١٧. رَمَى اللَّهُ بالبُعْدِ البعيد مَوَدَّةً
وأدْنَى امرأً ما كانَ للوُدِّ دَانِيَا
18. A curse be upon myself to prove my oath
While you escape safe from my curses
١٨. دُعَاءٌ علَى نَفْسِي لإبْرَارِ مَقْسَمِي
وأنْتَ فتَنْجُو سَالِماً مِنْ دُعَائِيا
19. And I conceal something shameful and arduous for the soul
From people, while I suppress it inwardly
١٩. وأَمْرَضُ شَيءٍ للحَشَا وأَشَقُّهُ
علَى النَّفْسِ إخفَائِي علَى النَّاسِ ما بِيَا
20. I endure so I do not complain, and if for an hour
My tongue started to complain, I would cut out my tongue
٢٠. أُضَامُ فلا أشْكُو ولو هَمَّ سَاعَةً
لِسَانِي بالشَّكْوَى قَطعتُ لِسَانِيَا
21. Divorce and return after a time to my affection
You will find it as abundant as it was after much divorce
٢١. فَطَلِّقْ وَرَاجِعْ بعدَ حِينٍ مَودَّتِي
تَجدْهَا على كثْرِ الطَّلاقِ كَمَا هِيَا
22. May God water you with bitterness while alive, and I
Have implored Him for that, for my shyness
٢٢. سَقَى اللَّهُ بالجَرْعَاءِ حَيّاً وإنَّنِي
بِذَاكَ قد اسْتسقيتُهُ لحيائِيا
23. They have set me free to every undesirable thing
And spared me harm passing through my door
٢٣. هُمُ أشْرعُونِي بَابَ كُلِّ رَغِيبَةٍ
وكَفُّوا الأذَى عن أَنْ يَمُرَّ بِبَابِيَا
24. Their enmity is nearness and their poverty is riches
Filling my right hand with it and my left
٢٤. بِعَادُهُمُ قُرْبٌ وفَقْرُهُمُ غِنَى
تُبَلُّ يَدِي اليُمْنَى بِهِ وشِمَالِيَا
25. So O son of loftiness, they have taken thrift and wealth
Anew for their neighbor, a burden and an affliction
٢٥. فَيا ابنَ الأُلى اجْتَابُوا الخَصَاصَةَ والغِنَى
علَى جَارِهِمْ يَبْدو جَديداً وبَالِيَا
When a door is closed before permission for some reason
٢٦. إذَا سُدَّ دُونَ الإذنِ بابٌ لِعِلَّةٍ
وكَان مُنَاداةُ الضُّيُوفِ تَنَاجِيَا
27. And the guests' call continues plaintively
They removed that drowsiness and proclaimed
٢٧. جَلَوا تِلكُمُ الجِفنَ المِلاَءَ وأعْلَنُوا
عَلَيها بأصْواتِ الدُّعَاةِ تَنَادِيَا
28. At its doors the callers' voices, beckoning
I caution you not to waver while I remain firm,
٢٨. أُعيذُكَ أن أصْفُو وتكدرَ أو أفِي
وتَغدرَ أو أدْنُو وتُصْبِحَ نَائِيا
29. Or to be dishonest while I am true
Or approach while you distance in the morning,
٢٩. وأبْتَدِرُ الغَايَاتِ سَبقاً فأنتهي
لأبْعَدِها شَأْواً ولَستَ أَمَامِيا