
Oh Tires, tell my two dear friends, who are

يا طرس قل لخليلي اللذين هما

1. Oh Tires, tell my two dear friends, who are
Like eyes to me in gaining benefits and like ears

١. يا طِرْسُ قُلْ لخَليلَيَّ اللذَينِ هُمَا
كالعَينِ لِي في اجْتِلابِ النَّفْعِ والأُذنِ

2. That assist my hands, right and left, and who have gained
My gratitude for their past favors,

٢. يُمنَى يَدَيَّ ويُسْرَاهَا ومَنْ مَلَكَا
رِقِّي بِما أَسْلَفَا عِندي مِنَ المِنَنِ

3. This one is my right hand when defense is needed,
And that one assists me when I need help someday,

٣. هذَا يَميني إذَا كَانَ الدِّفَاعُ وذا
يُسْرَاي إنْ أَسْتعنْ يَوماً بِها تعِنِ

4. My master, the pilgrim, Darwish, and his companion
Jamal Atta the noblest of cities and towns,

٤. السَّيّدُ النُدْبُ درويش وصَاحِبُهُ
جَمَال عَطَّارةُ الأَمْصَارِ والمُدنِ

5. Delight of gatherings, star of faith, most melodious of those
Who sang, and was interested in refined joys,

٥. أُنُس المجَالِسِ نَجم الدِّين أطْربُ مَنْ
شَدَا ومَنْ بمُراعَاةِ اللُّحُونِ عُنِي

6. May God guide you both, I did not befriend you
Except in hopes of aid against fate,

٦. هَدَاكُمَا اللَّهُ إنِّي ما صَحبْتُكُمَا
إلاَّ وأرْجُوكُما عَوْناً عَلَى الزَّمَنِ

7. And did not wear you in every calamity
Except for your being the strongest of shields,

٧. ولا لَبِسْتُكُمَا في كُلِّ نَائِبةٍ
إلاّ لِكَونِكُما من أَحْصَنِ الجُنَنِ

8. Why do I beg from you today importunately
When importuning is not blessed by the Merciful?

٨. فَمَالِي اليَّومَ أستعْطِيكُما تِتَناً
وهَانَ لا بَارَكَ الرَّحمنُ في التِّتن

9. So you vex me with a rejection beyond
My patience or grief finding solace in it,

٩. فَتَجْبَهاني بِرَدٍّ لا يقومُ لَهُ
صَبْرِي ولا يَتَقضَّى عندَهُ حزني

10. Your excuse was not a saying I could hear
For your vexation is among the greatest trials,

١٠. ما كَانَ عُذْرُكُمَا قَولاً لأَسْمَعُهُ
فإنَّ تتنَكُمَا مِنْ أعظَمِ الفِتَنِ

11. Had you named me a price I'd have come to you
Seeking it, whatever you wished of ransom,

١١. لو سُمْتُمانِيهِ بَيْعاً كُنتُ جِئْتُكُمَا
سَعْياً بما شِئْتُمَا بهِ من الثَّمَنِ

12. I now recite, since you've disappointed my hopes,
A verse by one of the discerning and wise:

١٢. إنِّي لأنشُدُ إذْ خَيَّبتُمَا أمَلِي
بَيتاً لبعضٍ ذَوي الألْبابِ والفِطَنِ

13. I was not the first traveler fooled by a moon,
Or guide impressed by the greenness of a valley.

١٣. ما كنتُ أوَّلَ سَارٍ غَرَّهُ قَمَرٌ
ورَائدٍ أعْجبَتْهُ خُضْرَةُ الدِّمَنِ

14. May God protect you from my blame, for its easiest
Does not settle on the soul within the body.

١٤. وَقَاكُمَا اللَّهُ عُتْبي إنَّ أيْسَرَهُ
لا تَستقِرُّ عَليهِ الرُّوحُ في البَدَنِ

15. And may my Lord grant you, wherever dawn rises,
Safety, so long as the tender leaf grows on the branch.

١٥. وسَلَّمَ اللَّهُ رَبِّي كُلَّ شَارِقَةٍ
عَليكُمَا ما شَدَتْ ورْقَاءُ في غُصُنِ