
The yellow hands have inherited their legacy,

أكف البرايا من تراثهم صفر

1. The yellow hands have inherited their legacy,
And the white of death is from their blood red.

١. أكفُّ البَرَايَا مِنْ تُرَاثِهِمُ صُفْرُ
وبِيْضُ المَنَايا من دِمَائِهُمُ حُمْرُ

2. The horses of misfortune are still prepared,
Their horsemen fight us and they have victory.

٢. وخيلُ الرَزَايَا ماتزالُ مُعدَّةً
تقاتلُنَا فُرْسانُها ولها النَّصْرُ

3. The white and the brown attack us with calamity,
Reaching what neither white nor brown can reach.

٣. تكُرُّ علينا البِيضُ والسُّمْرُ بالردَى
فتبلغُ ما لا تبْلُغُ البِّيضُ والسُّمْرُ

4. The course of this life is bitter, yet for us,
That bitterness is the sweetest thing.

٤. ومَوْردُ هذا الدهرِ مُرٌّ وإنَّهُ
لأَعْذَبُ شيءٍ عندَنا ذَلكَ المُرُّ

5. My friend from the Bani Bakr tribe,
Stop and mourn for a shaykh who brought anguish to Bakr.

٥. خليليَّ من أبناءِ بكرِ بنِ وائلٍ
قِفَا وانْدُبَا شَيْخاً بهِ فُجِعتْ بَكْرُ

6. A full moon appeared to onlookers and guided
Burhah for a moment, then that moon disappeared.

٦. وبدراً تراءَى للنواظرِ فاهتدتْ
بِهِ بُرْهةً ثم اختفَى ذَلِكَ البَدْرُ

7. Calamity bent its blade against him
So why didn't his thrusting spear counter it?

٧. وعَضْباً ثَنَتْ أيدي النوائِبِ حَدَّهُ
فهلاَّ اعتراها من مضاربِهِ عَقْرُ

8. You who lie in the dust aimed the arrows of misfortune at us
And hit him - you did us wrong when your fingers missed their mark.

٨. أرامي الرَّدَى أَخطَأْتَنا وأَصَبْتَهُ
أسأتَ لنا جُذَّتْ أَنامِلُكَ العَشْرُ

9. O you who settled in the earth as a dwelling,
Why wasn't my chest your grave instead?

٩. فَيَا أيُّها الثَّاوي الذي اتخَذَ الثَّرَى
مُقَاماً فَهَلاّ كَانَ صَدْري لَكَ القبرُ

10. Why didn't the washers consult my tears
To wash your body, turning the myrtle trees white?

١٠. وهَلاَّ استخارَ الغَاسِلونَ مَدَامعي
لجسْمِكَ غُسْلاً ثم شِيبَ به السِّدْرُ

11. If the washing water was seen as impure despite
Being cleansing for you, then you are purity itself.

١١. فإنْ جُعِلَ الماءُ القُرَاحُ برغمِ مَنْ
رآه لكم طُهْراً فأنتُمْ له طُهْرُ

12. If your white shrouds are worn in the earth,
Then neither your kindness nor your mention are worn.

١٢. وإن بَلِيتْ أكفانُكَ البيضُ في الثرى
فما بَلِيَ المعروفُ منكَ ولا الذكْرُ

13. My tears were poured towards every rumbling
Cloud heavy with rain whose drops never cease.

١٣. أُوالُ سُقِيتِ صَوْبَ كلِّ مجلجلٍ
من المُزْنِ هَامٍ لا يجِفُّ له قَطْرُ

14. It is as if you are a magnet to every refined one -
No one is perfect unless in you he has his grave.

١٤. كأنَّكِ مغناطيْسُ كلِّ مُهَذَّبِ
فما كاملٌ إلاّ وفيكِ له قَبْرُ

15. May it bring you pride that you obtained earth
Whose cheeks blush without attaining forgiveness.

١٥. لِيَهْنِكَ فَخراً أنْ ظَفِرتَ بتربةٍ
يُعفَّرُ خَدٌّ دُونَ إدْرَاكِها الغُفْرُ

16. A master of the adorned family lies in you,
He is golden, brilliant, and learned.

١٦. ثوَى بِكَ من آلِ المُقَلَّدِ سَيّدٌ
هو الذَهَبُ الإبرِيزُ والعَالِمُ الصُّفْرُ

17. His fathers and forefathers were generous,
And his efforts were fruitful, bringing him pride.

١٧. فَتًى كَرُمتْ آبَاؤُهُ وجُدُودُهُ
وطَابَتْ مَسَاعيهِ فتمَّ لهُ الفخرُ

18. Virtuous, wearing the coat of chastity, safe from sin,
In his ear a barrier against every lewdness.

١٨. عَفِيفٌ مُلاثُ البُرْدِ عن كلِّ زَلَّةٍ
وفي أذْنِهِ عن كلِّ فاحِشةٍ وَقْرُ

19. Generous, in each of his fingers an ocean,
Perceptive, in each of his senses deep wisdom.

١٩. جَوَادٌ له في كلِّ أُنْمُلَةٍ بَحْرُ
بصيرٌ لهُ في كلِّ جَارِحَةٍ فِكْرُ

20. O city of calligraphy, loss of him for eternity
Is a wound for which there is no mending.

٢٠. ويا بَلَدَ الخَطِّ اعْتَرَاكِ لفقدِهِ
مدَى الدهرِ كَسْرٌ لا يُرَامُ لهُ جَبْرُ

21. From now begins the evil in you, which
Continues, remaining until the Day of Judgment.

٢١. مِنَ الآنَ بَدْءُ الشَّرِّ فيكِ وإنَّهُ
لمُتَّصِلٌ بَاقٍ وآخِرُهُ الحَشْرُ

22. What young man does not fear wronging his neighbor?
You have lost a comfort not mixed with hardship,

٢٢. فأيُّ فتًى لا يَرْهَبُ الضيمَ جَارُهُ
فقدتِ ويُسْرٌ لا يُمازِجُهُ عُسْرُ

23. A lion, though fierce when facing a lion unarmed,
Who fights him cannot be helped by fang or victory.

٢٣. وليثُ وغىً لو قَابَلَ الليثَ أَعْزَلاً
وحَارَبَهُ لم يُغْنِهِ النابُ والظُّفْرُ

24. I swear, were it not for his death in bed,
The readied white swords would be let loose,

٢٤. فأُقسمُ لولا مَوْتُهُ في فِرَاشِهِ
لجُرِّدَتِ البِيضُ المُهنَّدَةُ البُتْرُ

25. The trained brown steeds roused,
The marked blond horses mobilized,

٢٥. وأُرعِشَتِ المُلْدُ المثقّفةُ السُّمرُ
وأقبلتِ الخَيْلُ المُسَوَّمَةُ الشُّقْرُ

26. Against them, from the adorned family, some youths
Like the sparks of war, for whom no bowstring breaks.

٢٦. عليهنَّ من آلِ المُقَلَّدِ غِلْمَةٌ
مَسَاعِيرُ حَرْبٍ لا يضيعُ لها وِتْرُ

27. They train the necks of the lances if they are short,
As if they and the horses in armor on them

٢٧. تُثَقِّفُ مُنآدَ الرماحِ أكُفُّهُمْ
وتمنحُها طُوْلاً إذا شانَها قِصْرُ

28. Are shining stars when the darkness of battle descends.
If kindness made one man immortal,

٢٨. كأنَّهُمُ والسابغاتُ عليهِمُ
إذَا ما دجَى ليلُ الوغَى أنجمٌ زُهرُ

29. It would make immortal Abdullah, who attained its perfection.
But time came to him seeking

٢٩. ولو خَلَّدَ المعروفُ في الناسِ وَاحِداً
لَخلَّدَ عبدَاللهِ نَائِلُهُ الغَمْرُ

30. His life, so he graciously granted it that request.
So greetings, O his grave, may its vegetation bloom

٣٠. ولكنَّها الأيامُ جَاءَتْهُ تبتغِي
نَوَالاً فأَولاها نَوَالاً هُوَ العمرُ

31. And scatter flowers around you.
My sons, be patient - patience is the most beautiful garment

٣١. فيا قَبرَهُ حَيَّاكَ مُنْعَبِقُ الكَلا
ونَشَّرَ من أَبرادِهِ حَولَكَ الزَّهْرُ

32. That covers one touched by harm.
If not for the passing of years, time itself would not perish,

٣٢. بَنِيهِ اصْبِرُوا فالصبرُ أَجملُ حُلَّةٍ
تردَّى بها مَنْ مَسَّ جَانِبَهُ الضُّرُّ

33. If not for the death of days, the months would not run out.
Below you is a pearl of deep thought,

٣٣. فلولا انقضا الأَعْوَامِ ما فَنِي الدَّهرُ
ولولا فَنَا الأيامِ ما نَفَدَ الشهر

34. Strung together, prose and verse inspired by it.
A maiden of eloquent speech bought for a bargain -

٣٤. ودونَكُمُ من لُجَّةِ الفِكْرِ دُرَّةً
مُنظَّمةً يعنُو لها النظمُ والنثرُ

35. Poetry boasts no equal to her.
Her bride price is only your acceptance,

٣٥. وعَذْرَاءَ من حُرِّ الكلامِ خريدةً
بأمثالِها في الشِّعْرِ يفتَخِرُ الشِّعْرُ

36. She was honored for little, but her worth is high.

٣٦. وَمَا مَهْرُهَا إلاَّ قَبُولُكُمُ لها
لقد كَرُمَتْ مَمْهُورَةً وغَلا المَهْرُ