1. Peace be with you, when its fragrance surrounds you
Its pleasant scent lingers about you
١. سَلاَمٌ إذَا استَعْبَقْتَ رَيَّاهُ أُجلِيَتْ
عَلَيكَ مَسَارِيهِ بِرائِحَةِ العِطْرِ
2. Sincere thanks that do not fade like the bouquet
Of blossoms that adorned its portico with wine's dew
٢. وخَالِصُ شُكْرٍ لا يغِبُّ كَمَا صَفَتْ
ورَقَّتْ علَى رُوَّاقِها نُطْفةُ الخَمْرِ
3. I praise my Master who enabled me to praise you
Not shouting for Zayd or Amr in acclamation
٣. يؤَدِّيهِما مَوْلىً وقَفْتُ ثَنَاءَهُ
عَلَيكَ فَلَمْ يَهْتِفْ بِزيدٍ ولا عَمْرو
4. You won his heart by your kindness redoubled
So he who was free became your willing slave
٤. تَمَلَّكْتَ بالبِرِّ المُضَاعَفِ رِقَّهُ
فَأصْبحَ عَبْداً وهوَ في جلْدِهِ الحُرِّ
5. Let your condition make excuse should you sit still
For the cold you so lightly complained of to me
٥. ويُنهي إِلَيكَ الحَالَ إن قُعُودَهُ
علَى فرْطِ ما اسْتعتَبْتهُ لَكَ من عُذْرِ
6. A cold that if the sneezer sought its rainclouds
The inhabitant of a mansion would have no need of rain
٦. زُكَامٌ لو اسْتَسقَى المَعَاطِسَ صَوْبُهُ
أخُو المحْلِ لاسْتَغنَى نَدَاهُ عن القَطْرِ
7. It has seized my brain and does not quit an hour
As a mother hen broods constantly over her nest
٧. تَوَخَّى دِمَاغي لا يُزَايِلُ سَاعَةً
كَمَا عَكَفَتْ أُمُّ الفِرَاخِ علَى الوَكْرِ
8. And were it not for this cold I would not sit
Though the talkative with her hennaed fingers intervened
٨. ولَوْلاهُ لَمْ أَقْعُدْ ولَو حَالَ بَينَهُ
وبَينِيَ أطْرَافُ المثَقَّفَةِ السُّمْرِ