
O you who is afflicted by what I say, my sorrows,

يا من يبل بما يقول أوامي

1. O you who is afflicted by what I say, my sorrows,
And quenches the fire of my youth and passion,

١. يا مَنْ يَبُلُّ بِمَا يَقُولُ أُوامِي
ويَبُوخُ نَارَ صَبَابَتِي وغَرَامِي

2. You brought me to life when you sent me a greeting,
And greeted when you sent me a salutation,

٢. أحْييتَ حِينَ بَعَثْتَ لِي بتَحيةٍ
وسَلِمْتَ إذْ أرْسلتَ لي بسَلامِ

3. After my soul had stood at the edge of rejection
And what it pined for behind its pigeons,

٣. من بَعدمَا وقَفتْ علَى طَرَفِ الرَّدَى
نَفْسي وما حَامَتْ ورَاءَ حِمَامي

4. Two verses came from you as a blessing,
Outweighing what bounties I have,

٤. بَيتَان كَانَا مِنكَ جَاءَا نِعْمَةً
رَجَحَتْ بِما عِندِي من الأنْعَامِ

5. I do hope that this is a drop,
That came foretelling the gathering clouds,

٥. إنِّي لأَرْجُو أنَّ هَذِي قَطْرةٌ
جَاءَتْ مُقَدِّمةَ الغَمَامِ الهَامِي

6. Fire is sparked by the flint a spark,
To become thereafter of glowing embers,

٦. فالنَّارُ يُلقِيها الزِّنَادُ شَرَارَةً
وتَكُونُ فِيمَا بعد ذَات ضَرَامِ

7. The crescent you see is the smallest in size,
In mass, and appears later a full moon,

٧. إنَّ الهِلاَلَ تَرَاهُ أصغَرَ ما يُرَى
جُرْماً ويَبْدُو بعدُ بَدْرَ تَمَامِ

8. And perhaps the good scent of its bloom would seize you,
The flowers of the gardens while still in buds,

٨. ولَرُبَّمَا أَخْذَاكَ طَيِّب نَشْرِهِ
زَهْرُ الحدَائِقِ وهوَ في الأكْمَامِ

9. If the fathers before you were long-lived, I swear
With you I have no end to glories and highnesses,

٩. إنْ طَالَ بالآبَاءِ غَيرُكَ إنَّنِي
بِكَ ما أطولُ مفاخِراً وأُسَامِي

10. You remain laden over your resting place from,
My eye by the eye of the All-Knowing Omniscient

١٠. لازِلْتَ مَكْلوءاً علَى مَنآكَ عَنْ
عَيْنِي بِعَينِ الوَاحِدِ العَلاَّمِ