
You granted it to me as a gift that cannot be denied

لقلدتنيها منة ليس تجحد

1. You granted it to me as a gift that cannot be denied
And you bestowed upon me a hand of great generosity

١. لقَلَّدْتَنِيها مِنَّةً لَيسَ تُجْحَدُ
وأَسْدَيتَها عندي يداً جَلَّتِ اليَدُ

2. You were kind in my affection, and did not cease
To aid me in expressing it and support me

٢. وأَغْرَبْتَ في بَثِّي الجَميلَ فَلَمْ تَزَلْ
تُعَانُ علَى إسْدَائِهِ وتُؤَيّدُ

3. You saw my passion for the beloved, and did not stop
Helping me as much as you could, and making me happy

٣. رَأيتَ ولوْعِي بالحَبِيبِ فَلمْ تَزَلْ
تُعينُ عَليهِ ما اسْتَطعتَ وتُسْعدُ

4. So when he became distant, I set up for his phantom
By my bed the snares of sorrow lying in wait

٤. فَمُذْ عَزَّ مَرْئيّاً نَصَبْتُ لطيفِهِ
لَدَى النَّومِ أَشْرَاكَ الكَرَى تَتَصَيَّدُ

5. I said, does sleep show me your image passing by
While I am in what you avoid and seek?

٥. فَقُلتُ أرَانِي النَّومُ طَيْفَكَ سَائِراً
وإيَّايَ فِيما تَنْتَحيهِ وتَقْصدُ

6. While thus, he who you love appeared
And had gained more beauty beyond what you knew

٦. فَبَيْنَا كذلِكَ إِذْ بَدا مَنْ تُحِبُّهُ
وقَدْ زَادَ حُسْناً فَوقَ ما كُنْتَ تَعْهَدُ

7. They said, if beauty itself were worshipped
For the beauty it contains, it would be worshipped

٧. وقَالُوا لَو انَّ الحُسْنَ يُعْبَدُ رَبُّهُ
لَكَانَ لِما فيهِ من الحُسْنِ يُعْبَدُ

8. Radiant, showing you night as dawn and smoothness
Whose morning face dims while still black

٨. مُحَيّاً يُرِيكَ اللَّيلَ صُبْحاً وطُرَّةٌ
يَرُوحُ لَهَا وَجْهُ الضُّحى وهو أسْوَدُ

9. With a supple waist like a gently bending rod
That almost knots and bends from softness

٩. ومَجْدُولِ قَدٍّ كالقَضِيبِ مرَنَّحٍ
يَكَادُ من التَّهيِيفِ واللِّينِ يُعقدُ

10. And from the hands of the skilled beauty, marvels
At which souls stand in awe and sit

١٠. ومِن بَارعِ الحُسْنِ البَدِيعِ رَوائِعٌ
تَقُومُ لأدْنَاهَا النُّفُوسُ وتَقْعَدُ

11. You found me, knowing that when I see him
I cannot control myself or show patience

١١. فأَلفَيْتَني عَنْهُ لِعِلمِكَ أنَّنِي
مَتَى أرهُ لا أسْتطِعْ أتجَلَّدُ

12. So what you wanted was no use, and you showed me
His brightness and the musk shedding fragrance from him

١٢. فَلَمْ يُغْنِ شَيئاً ما أردْتَ ودلَّني
سَنَاهُ ونَشْرٌ عندَهُ المِسْكُ يَكسَدُ

13. A longing inclined me toward him
As the thirsty beast inclines toward the watering place

١٣. وحَرَّكَني شَوقٌ أَمَالَ إليهِ بِي
كَمَا مَالَ بالهِيمِ الخَوامِسِ مَوْرِدِ

14. I complained to him of his aloofness with tears
At which the claim of love dies and bears witness

١٤. فَعَارضْتُهُ أشْكُو جَفَاهُ بِعَبْرَةٍ
يَمُتُّ بِها دَعْوَى الغَرامِ فَيَشْهَدُ

15. But he turned away unaffected, like a man whose need
Was not met, and whose hand returned empty

١٥. وآبَتْ كَما آبَ امرُؤٌ أَمَّ حَاجَةً
فَرُدَّ وما بُلَّتْ بِحَاجتِهِ يَدُ