1. The people of eloquence gladden the heart if they become
A fortress for people and supporters of law
١. أَهلُ البَلاغَةِ يَهني القَلبَ إِن صاروا
لِلناسِ حِصناً وَلِلناموسِ أَنصارُ
2. They excelled and presided with knowledge adorned by deed
And status empowered by preference and choosing
٢. سَموا وَسادوا بِعِلمٍ زانَهُ عَمَلٌ
وَعَزَّزَ الشانُ تَرجيحٌ وَإيثارُ
3. His station became high and good fortune started serving him
And the caravan gained pride through him after they walked
٣. عَلا مَقاماً وَقامَ السَعدُ يَخدِمُهُ
وَحازَ فَخراً بِهِ الرُكبانُ قَد ساروا
4. O, the success of every learned man or his domain
And o, the misery of those whom the houses enticed
٤. يا فَوزَ كُلَّ مُلَمٍّ أَمَّ ساحَتُهُ
وَيا شَقاوَةَ مَن شَطَت بِهِ الدارُ
5. He has opinion that even adversaries accept
And he has no enemy that would collapse in anger
٥. لَهُ مِنَ الرَأيِ ما تَرضى الخُصومُ بِهِ
وَلا عَدو لَهُ بِالسُخطِ يَنهارُ
6. He strode to glory and the most high because of it they got fascinated
So it's no wonder if they chose him
٦. صَبا إِلى المَجدِ وَالعَليا بِهِ اِفتَتَنَت
فَلا غَرابَةَ إِن كانوا لَهُ اِختاروا
7. Righteous to his brothers, loyal to their covenant
Following the truth, no defect or harm
٧. بَرٌّ بِإِخوانِهِ موفٍ لِعَهدِهِم
مُتابِعِ الحَقِّ لا خِلٌّ وَلا جارُ
8. Pleased and the eye of consent observes him through perception
No flaws - may Allah forbid - or dishonor
٨. راضٍ وَعَينُ الرِضا بِالحَظِّ تَرمُقُهُ
وَلا عُيوبَ مُعاذِ اللَهِ أَو عارُ
9. O best of people in morals and knowledge
Forbearance indicates and deeds remind
٩. يا أَحسَنَ الناسِ أَخلاقاً وَمَعرِفَةً
وَالحِلمُ يُنبِئُ وَالأَعمالُ تَذكارُ
10. With what did you take the hearts of people in their entirety
Fond of you and lifetimes did not ransom you
١٠. بِمَ اِتَّخَذتَ قُلوبَ الناسِ قاطِبَةً
رَقا إِلَيكَ وَلَم تَفديكَ أَعمارُ
11. No, by your Lord, nothing leads them
Except good deeds and traces of morals
١١. أَما وَرَبُّكَ لا شَيءَ يَقودُهُم
إِلّا المَحاسِنَ وَالأَخلاقَ آثارُ
12. Thank Allah for what you got of blessings
And you will attain what you want and choose
١٢. شَكَرَ الإِلَهُ عَلى ما نِلتَ مِن مِنَنٍ
وَسَوفَ تَبلُغُ ما تَبغي وَتَختارُ
13. I'm the bearer of glad tidings to all people combined
Informing you sincerely so my news will make you happy
١٣. إِنّي إِلَيكَ بَشيرُ الناسِ أَجمَعُهُم
يُنبيكَ بِالصِدقِ فَلتُهنِئكَ أَخبارُ