
Oh fortune of Orthodoxy and its party

يا حسن حظ الأرثوذكس وحزبها

1. Oh fortune of Orthodoxy and its party
And prosperity of a school for it and bliss

١. يا حُسنَ حَظِّ الأَرثوذِكسَ وَحِزبَها
وَسُعودَ مَدرَسَةٍ لَها وَمَسَرَّةِ

2. So the courageous minister's happiness visited it
With his praised loyalty he blessed an occasion

٢. فَسَعادَةُ الشَهمِ المُحافِظِ زارَها
بِوَلائِهِ المَحمودِ أَبرَكَ زَورَةِ

3. And with his light its corners shone
And it was honored between state and faith

٣. وَبِنورِهِ قَد أَشرَقَت أَرجاؤُها
وَتَشَرَّفَت بَينَ المَلا وَالمِلَّةِ

4. And the excited people competed
To strengthen the history of this favor

٤. وَالقَومُ مشن فَرَحِ القُدومِ تَسابَقوا
لِيُعَزِّزوا تاريخَ هَذي المِنَّةِ

5. This one says with what excels of its status
And the others with pride of that blessing

٥. هَذا يَقولُ بِما عَلا مِن شَأنِها
وَالآخَرونَ بِفَخرِ تِلكَ النِعمَةِ

6. And the opinion was completed to say boasting
And documenting you have honored it with my visit

٦. وَالرَأيُ تَمَّ بانَ يَقولُ مُفاخِراً
وَمُؤَرِّخاً شَرَّفتَها بِزِيارَتي

7. So we will remember forever his kindness
And we will plead the memory with the best prayer

٧. فَلنَذكُرَن عَلى المَدى إِحسانُهُ
وَلنَشفَعِ الذِكرى بِأَحسَنَ دَعوَةِ

8. So we say about Mahmoud my eternal sincerity
Rise and reach whatever rank you wish

٨. فَنَقولُ عَن مَحمود صِدقي دائِماً
تَسمو وَتَبلُغ ما تَشا مِن رتُبَةِ