
If your father whom you have abused

لو ان والدك الذي عرضته

1. If your father whom you have abused
Morning, noon, and eventide,

١. لَو انَّ والِدَكَ الَّذي عَرَضتَهُ
لِلشَتمِ في صُبحٍ وَظُهرٍ وَعَشا

2. Had thought you once a speck of seed
In his back, you had not seen the light.

٢. قَد ظَنَّ أَنَّكَ نُطفَةً في ظَهرِهِ
لِأَبي مُضاجَعَةَ النِسا وَتَطوشا