1. Time has become radiant with his appearance
And I see glory manifested in splendor
١. الدَهرُ أَصبَحَ مُشرِقاً بِتَجَلّيهِ
وَأَرى المَعالي بِالبَهاءِ تَجَلَّت
2. The aspects of fellowship, their light shines forth
And good fortune has paired it with the most delightful joy
٢. وَمَظاهِرُ الإيناسِ يَسطَعُ نورُها
وَاليَمَنُ قارَنَها بِأَبهى بَهجَة
3. Where hopes have proclaimed congratulations
And the herald comes dragging the train of honor
٣. حَيثُ الأَماني بِالتَهاني آذَنَت
وَأَتى البَشيرُ يَجُرُّ ذَيلَ العِزَّة
4. Our sights have been raised to the Most High and our hearing moistened
With news that came with the most pleasing melody
٤. وَرَنا إِلى العُليا وَرَطِبَ سَمعُنا
بِبِشارَةٍ جاءَت بِأَطرَبِ رَنَّة
5. If only my mouth could contain gems as fillers
And if my soul were in my hands, it would not have sufficed
٥. وَلَوِ اِستَطَعتَ حَشَوتَ فاهُ جَواهِراً
وَلَو أَنَّ روحي في يَدي ما عَزَّت
6. Say "Praise God", for praise is the first duty
And gratitude is obligatory in the face of blessing
٦. قالَ اِحمَدوا وَالحَمدُ أَوَّلَ واجِبٍ
وَالشُكرُ مَفروضٌ إِزّاءَ النِعمَة
7. The Truth appreciates the worth of the abstainers
And distinguishes the good and rewards with it
٧. فَالحَقُّ يَقدِرُ قَدرَ أَربابِ النُهى
وَيُمَيِّزُ الحُسنى وَيَجزي بِالَّتي
8. That is my best Ahmad, thanked
For a raising for him in glory, the highest banner
٨. هَذاكَ خَيري أَحمَدَ المَشكورَ مِن
رِفعَتٍ لَهُ في المَجدِ أَرفَعُ رايَة
9. The scholar of virtues, the elite of the age
The epoch whose time is forceful and excellent
٩. عِلمُ الفَضائِلِ نُخبَةِ العَصرِ الَّذي
عَصرُ الزَمانِ بِقُوَّةٍ وَبِمِرَّة
10. When they saw him possess the most noble traits
And his status is the most deserving of all prestige
١٠. لَمّا رَأَوهُ يَحوزُ أَكرَمَ شيمَةٍ
وَمَقامُهُ أَحرى بِكُلِّ كَرامَة
11. They made him a Pasha, a title
Which in truth had long wished for him
١١. قَد جَلوهُ بِرُتبَةِ الباشا الَّتي
هِيَ في الحَقيقَةِ كَم إِلَيهِ تَمَنَّت
12. So it may gain honor from him, unparalleled
And taste the flavor of governance and integrity
١٢. لِتَفوزَ مِنهُ بِعِزَّةٍ لَم تَلفِها
وَتَذوقُ طَعمَ إِمارَةٍ وَنَزاهَة
13. And the universe shone with his awe, its full moon
The exalted ones have surrounded him with an aura like a halo
١٣. وَأَضاءَ كَونَ مَهابَةٍ هُوَ بَدرُها
حَفَّت بِهِ العَلياءُ حَفَّ الهالَة
14. Leave your blaming, my critic in his love
For blame is enticement and my ear is deaf
١٤. دَع عَنكَ لَومي عاذِلي في حُبِّهِ
فَاللَومُ إِغراءٌ وَأُذني صَمت