1. The lights of congratulations have dawned with good news,
O you who bring good news, make the people happy,
١. أَشرَقَت بِالبِشرِ أَنوارُ التَهاني
يا بَشيرُ قُم هَنّي الأَنامِ
2. Indeed the bestower of favors has fulfilled our hopes,
And our fortune has gone beyond aspirations.
٢. إِنَّ ذا الأَنعامِ أَولانا الأَماني
وَتَوالى حَظُّنا فَوقَ المَرامِ
3. O heir apparent, you have ennobled the abodes,
Sincerity has come and fulfilled the covenants,
٣. يا وَلِيَّ العَهدِ شَرَّفتَ المَنازِلِ
وَالصَفا وافى وَوَفّى بِالعُهودِ
4. O brother of the full moon, you have illuminated the gatherings,
In a status below which is the happiness of good fortune.
٤. يا شَقيقَ البَدرِ نَوَّرتَ المَحافِلِ
في مَقامٍ دونَهُ سَعدُ السُعودِ
5. Pass around the cup of wine, O pourer of pure drink,
And delay it so we may see the sun of morning,
٥. طُف بِكاسِ الراحِ يا ساقي الرَحيقِ
وَأَجلِها لِنَرى شَمسَ الضُحى
6. Wherever Al-Abbas and Al-Shaqeeq are present,
And our beloved's face is radiant and smiling.
٦. حَيثُما العَبّاسُ وافى وَالشَقيقُ
وَالهَنا وَجهٌ لِوَجهٍ وَضَحا
7. My mouth rejoices in the honoring of the abode,
With the shining of their lights it is adorned.
٧. فَرِحُ الثَغرِ بِتَشريفِ المَقامِ
بِبُدورِ نورِهِم فيهِ أَرتَسِمُ
8. So you see it frowning and smiling,
By my life, which mouth has not smiled?
٨. فَتَراهُ في اِزدِهاءٍ وَاِبتِسامِ
وَلَعَمري أَيُّ ثَغرٍ ما اِبتَسَمُ
9. The heir apparent, by the support of the Almighty,
Include good fortune for him eternally,
٩. صاحِبُ العَهدِ بِتَوفيقِ العَزيزِ
ضَمِّنِ اليُمنَ لَهُ دَومَ السُرورِ
10. For he is gloriously mighty through his glory,
Strolling in the shade of our Prince.
١٠. فَهوَ في مَجدِ بِهِ عالٍ عَزيزُ
رافِلاً في ظِلِّ مَولانا الأَميرِ
11. O children of success, O pride of all,
O branches of glory from a noble origin,
١١. يا بَني التَوفيقِ يا عِزُّ الجَميعِ
يا فُروعُ المَجدِ مِن أَصلٍ عَلى
12. Receive good news, for good fortune are obedient servants,
To the one who granted you an auspicious fate.
١٢. أَبشَروا فَالسَعدُ خَدّامٌ مُطيعُ
لِلَّذي أَولاكُمُ القَدرَ السَني