
I will never forget a day of intimate gathering

لست أنسى يوما لمجلس أنس

1. I will never forget a day of intimate gathering
Among friends of select number

١. لَستُ أَنسى يَوماً لِمَجلِسِ أُنسٍ
كانَ فيهِ مِنَ الأَخِلّاءِ عَدَّه

2. Cups of wine passed round
So pure no eye could see their like again

٢. وَكُؤوسُ الطِلا تُدارُ عَلَينا
مِن مَليحٍ لا تَنظُرَ الشَمسَ بَعدَه

3. A branch of unrivalled beauty
Its blossoms shaming roses' pride

٣. غُصنَ بانٍ مُكَلَّلٌ بِزُهورِ
يَخجَلُ الوَردَ أَن يُناظِرَ خَدَّه

4. With eyes so darkly bright
In learned debate none could him chide

٤. ذو عُيونٍ سَوادُها عِلَّةُ السو
دا بِقِراطٍ في المَباحِثِ عَدَّه

5. Refined of meaning, graceful of form
His perfection sense and reason did confide

٥. راقٍ مَعنى وَرقٍ طَبعاً خَصرا
وَاِختِصاراً قَد أَعدَمَ العَقلَ رُشدَه

6. Inheriting beauty from perfect beauty
Flawless in his qualities, pure in his affection

٦. وَرِثَ الحُسنَ عَن بَديعِ جَمالِ
كامِلٌ في الصِفاتِ صافي المَوَدَّه

7. We enjoyed every subtle meaning
And voice that made the glorifiers forget their litany

٧. فَحَظَينا بِكُلِّ مَعنى لَطيفِ
وَبِمَغنى تَنسى المُسَبِّحَ وَردَه

8. A gathering that resembled a garden of flowers
Among roses and narcissi arranged

٨. مَجلِسٌ كانَ مَشبَهاً رَوضَ زَهرِ
بَينَ وَردٍ وَنَرجِسٍ زانَ عِقدَه

9. But for the supervisor who came upon us
God judge him - better had he delayed

٩. غَيرَ أَنَّ الرَقيبَ جاءَ عَلَينا
حَسبُهُ اللَهُ لَو تَخَلَّفَ مَدَّه

10. For a while we remained, then we stood
And left, for to God alone belongs the Kingdom

١٠. فَلَبِثنا هَنيهَةً ثُمَّ قُمنا
وَاِنصَرَفنا وَالمُلكُ لِلَهِ وَحدَه