1. I thank Allah, O Muhammad and Ahmed
For the loyalty He granted you, Most High is the Giver
١. أَشكُرُ اللَهَ يا مُحَمَّدَ وَأَحمَدَ
لِوَلاءٍ أَولاكُهُ جَلَّ واهِبِ
2. And mention the merit to the protected Khedive
That he, in your elevation, watched over merits
٢. وَاِذكُرِ الفَضلَ لِلخِديوي المُفَدّى
أَنَّهُ في عُلاكَ راعي المَناقِبِ
3. He saw in you an earnest and noble one
And you preceded in deliverance and glories
٣. قَد رَأى فيكَ ناجِباً وَنَجيباً
وَلَكَ السَبقَ بِالنَجا وَالنَجائِبِ
4. And a position approached him through you
By which you rise to the highest positions
٤. وَتَدانى إِلَيهِ مِنكَ مَقامٌ
تَتَرَقّى بِهِ لِأَرقى المَناصِبِ
5. With the three ranks of status live long
As one near though you were not a seeker
٥. بِالثُلاثي مِنَ المَراتِبِ واسا
كَ قَريباً مِن حَيثُ لَم تَكُ طالِبِ
6. Then he doubled with what you wrap yourself
In glories, robes and shoulders
٦. ثُمَّ ثَنى بِما بِهِ تَتَثَنّى
في المَعالي مَعاطِفٌ وَمَناكِبِ
7. So purify affection and friendship in him
And sacrifice self, treasure, and overcome
٧. فَاِمحِضِ الوُدَّ وَالصَداقَةَ فيهِ
وَاِبذُلِ النَفسَ وَالنَفيسَ وَغالِبِ
8. And to whoever intends and plots aggression
Against his people, take a stand, protect and oppose
٨. وَإِلى مَن نَوى وَناوى اِعتِداء
لِذَويهِ فَاِنصِب وَحامي وَناصِبِ
9. And rely on the Powerful, take Him
As the best Trustee, for truth is victorious
٩. وَتَوَكَّل عَلى القَديرِ وَخُذهُ
لَكَ نِعمَ الوَكيلِ فَالحَقُّ غالِبِ
10. And congratulate and get glad tidings of wishes fulfilled
Of elevation, and be not an admirer
١٠. وَتَهنَأ وَاِبشِر بِنَيلِ الأَماني
مِن عَلاءٍ وَلا تَكُن مُتَعاجِبِ
11. For the glories said to glory set forth
With the royal garb the ranks of status are adorned
١١. فَالمَعالي قالَت إِلى المَجدِ اِرخِ
بِالشَباشي تَزدانُ أَسنا المَراتِبِ
12. And his are the right and merits, witnesses are
From you the land and you the meteors
١٢. وَلَه الحَقُّ وَالمَزايا شُهودٌ
فَهيَ مِنكَ الثَرى وَأَنتَ الثَواقِبِ
13. And based upon it the judgment was issued
With consensus of the people of all doctrines
١٣. وَبِناءً عَلَيهِ قَد صَدَرَ الحُك
مُ بِجِماعِ أَهلِ كُلِّ المَذاهِبِ