
In the month of Taha's birth

في شهر مولد طه

1. In the month of Taha's birth
That beloved one brought near

١. في شَهرِ مَولِدِ طَهَ
ذاكَ الحَبيبُ المُقَرَّبُ

2. Upon a light he came to her
So that she may transcend and give birth

٢. عَلى نورٍ أَتاهُ
بِنتُ لِتَسمو وَتُنجِبُ

3. And Zainab he had called her
What a lovely, beloved name

٣. وَزَينَباً قَد دَعاها
وَنِعمَ الاِسمِ المُحَبَّبُ

4. And all her family said
Welcome, greetings, joy to you

٤. وَأَهلَها الكُلُّ قالوا
أَهلاً وَسَهلاً وَمَرحَبُ

5. As for me I said, "Bestow your protection
O God upon Zainab"

٥. أَما أَنا قُلتُ أَرخِ
عَوذَتَ بِاللَهِ زَينَبُ