
Good fortune is yours, Abdullah, this is a structure

لك الحظ عبد الله هذي بنية

1. Good fortune is yours, Abdullah, this is a structure
That adds joys upon the height of glory and fame

١. لَكَ الحَظُّ عَبدُ اللَهِ هَذي بُنيَةٌ
تَزيدُكَ أَفراحاً عَلى رِفعَةِ الشانِ

2. It saw treasures before you balanced
Full like the moon nearing its fullness

٢. رَأَت بَينَ أَيديكَ الثُرَيّا مَزانَةً
بَدرِيَّةً وَالبَدرُ في أُفقُهِ داني

3. So it came boasting, and happiness is its companion
Matching it in name, the benevolence of the bestower

٣. فَجاءَت تُباهي وَالسَعادَةُ ظِئرُها
وَوافَقَها في الاِسمِ إِحسانُ مَنانِ

4. It tells you glad tidings of the prime of livelihood
And a spring of blessings which God has made smooth

٤. تَقولُ لَكُم بُشرى بِصَفوِ مَعيشَةٍ
وَمَنهَلُ آلاءٍ بِهِ اللَهُ وَأَساني

5. You will see it chronicled in glory
And in intimacy surrounded by good and kindness

٥. في العِزِّ مَصحوباً تَرَونَ مُؤَرِّخاً
وَبي الأُنسِ مَحفوفاً بِخَيرٍ وَإِحسانِ