1. She slept, while wine had toyed with her soft grace,
And love with reason once hers to the full;
١. نامَت وَقَد لَعِبَ الشَرابُ بِعَطفِها
لَعِبَ الغَرامُ بِعَقلٍ مِن فيها هَلكُ
2. You sought to cull her fruits, but off she raced,
And round and round the turning spheres I chase,
٢. وَأَرَدتَ الثَمُها فَداَرَت وَاِستَوَت
فَتَبِعتُها مِن حَيثُ قَد دارَ الفَلَكُ
3. To find her where the sky's planets roll.
I climbed a throne, not given in the days
٣. وَعَلَوتُ مِنهُ أَريكَةَ لَم يُعطِها
كِسرى وَلا مُلكٌ سِواهُ لَها مُلكُ