
She slept, while wine had toyed with her soft grace,

نامت وقد لعب الشراب بعطفها

1. She slept, while wine had toyed with her soft grace,
And love with reason once hers to the full;

١. نامَت وَقَد لَعِبَ الشَرابُ بِعَطفِها
لَعِبَ الغَرامُ بِعَقلٍ مِن فيها هَلكُ

2. You sought to cull her fruits, but off she raced,
And round and round the turning spheres I chase,

٢. وَأَرَدتَ الثَمُها فَداَرَت وَاِستَوَت
فَتَبِعتُها مِن حَيثُ قَد دارَ الفَلَكُ

3. To find her where the sky's planets roll.
I climbed a throne, not given in the days

٣. وَعَلَوتُ مِنهُ أَريكَةَ لَم يُعطِها
كِسرى وَلا مُلكٌ سِواهُ لَها مُلكُ