
O one blessed with happiness that arrived

يا سريا له السعادة وافت

1. O one blessed with happiness that arrived
On the path of glory, in the sphere of joy

١. يا سَرِيّاً لَهُ السَعادَةُ وافَت
مِن طَريقِ العُلا بِفَلَكِ السُرورِ

2. And generous, from a house of glory built
His rank is lofty, beyond mansions

٢. وَكَريماً مِن بَيتِ مَجدٍ مُشَيَّدِ
جَلَّ شَأناً مَقامَهُ عَن قُصورِ

3. May God bless the king who assumed responsibility
As befits veneration

٣. بارَكَ اللَهُ في مَليكِ تَوَلّا
كَ يَنبغي مِنَ التَوقيرِ

4. Who can match you in prominence, honor
And the virtue of your prosperous house

٤. مَن يُضاهيكَ في الوَجاهَةِ وَالعِ
زِّ وَفي فَضلِ بَيتِكَ المَعمورِ

5. What a fine origin adorned by a good branch
That inspires praise from the realm of graves

٥. نِعمَ أَصلٍ يُزَيِّنُهُ حُسنَ فَرعٍ
يَبعَثُ الحَمدَ مِن فِناءِ القُبورِ

6. What blessings are these, Muhammad Pasha
The notable of our garrison in Al-Nador

٦. أَيُّ نِعَمٍ هَكَذا مُحَمَّد باشا
عَينُ أَعيانِ ثَغرِنا الناضوري

7. Its crescent dawned in us before completion
So it rose upon the glow of full moons

٧. لاحَ فينا هِلالُهُ قَبلَ تَمٍّ
فَتَعالى عَلى ضِياءِ البُدورِ

8. And when perfection grew
He gained stature and my poetry crossed over

٨. وَإِذا ما نَما نُمُوُّ كَمالٍ
حازَ شَأناً وَجازَ شِعري العُبورِ

9. O he has a generous master
Whose deed elevated his ordained fate

٩. يا لَهُ سَيِّدٌ كَريمُ السَجايا
سادَ قَدراً بِفِعلِهِ المَشكورِ

10. He strove around glory with resolve and effort
And gleaned from it what ripened in the early dawn

١٠. حامَ حَولَ العُلا بِحَزمِ وَجدِ
فَاِجتَنى مِنهُ ما حَلا في البُكورِ

11. O noble one, rejoice with praise
And thank God, for you are the best of those who are thankful

١١. أَيُّها الشَهمُ بِالمَحامِدِ أَبشِر
وَاِشكُرِ اللَهَ أَنتَ خَيرُ شَكورِ

12. The honor of fate, God increased his might
With pride over the high-ranked vizier

١٢. شَرَفُ القَدرِ زادَهُ اللَهُ عِزّا
بِفِخارٍ عَلى السِماكِ ظَهيرِ

13. The hand of congratulations recorded it and said
Match glory with the rank of Al-Nador

١٣. أَرخَتهُ يَدُ التَهاني فَقالَت
جانِسِ المَجدَ رُتبَةَ الناضوري

14. So congratulate, and greet the companion of glory
You and the family in the perfection of serenity

١٤. فَتَهنَأ وَدُم حَليفَ المَعالي
أَنتَ وَالأَهلُ في كَمالِ الحُبورِ

15. And accept the congratulations of a friend and ally
And in your ascent truly fulfills vows

١٥. وَتَقَبَّل تَبريكَ خِلٍّ وَفِيِّ
وَفي عُلاكُم حَقّاً يَفي بِالنُذورِ