1. The idea of who hopes in you from head to toe
So your virtue was from my head to my feet
١. حَقَّقَتُ فِكرَةَ مَن يَرجوكَ مِن قَدَمٍ
فَكانَ فَضلُكَ مِن رَأسي إِلى قَدَمي
2. These are the beautiful morals you specialized me with
So I became among the virtuous like a flag
٢. هَذي مَحاسِنُ أَخلاقٍ خَصَّصتَ بِها
فَصِرتُ بَينَ ذَوي الأَفضالِ كَالعِلمِ
3. You still remain a glorious destination, circled around
Seeking bountiful wishes from the elite of generosity
٣. لا زِلتَ كَعبَةً قَصادَ يُطافُ بِها
قَصدَ التِماسِ المُنى مِن صَفوَةِ الكَرَمِ