
How much people have been excessive in describing rejection, and how much

كم أطنب الناس في وصف العذار وكم

1. How much people have been excessive in describing rejection, and how much
In the lily of the meadow they said it has no equal,

١. كَم أَطنَبَ الناسُ في وَصفِ العِذارِ وَكَم
في سَوسَنِ الرَوضِ قالوا لا يُقارِنُهُ

2. And for long have I hesitated in liking their doctrine,
Until its virtues became clear to me,

٢. وَطالَما أَرتَبتُ في اِستِحسانِ مَذهَبِهِم
حَتّى اِنجَلَت لي بِتَوفيقِ مَحاسِنُهُ

3. And the point is, the claim of beauty has been elevated
And in it its proofs have been established,

٣. وَحاصِلِ الأَمرَ دَعوى الحُسنِ قَد رَفَعَت
وَفيهِ إِثباتُها قامَت قَرائِنُهُ

4. And today in judgment, oh woe, they have spoken
Against me until I faced what I'm experiencing,

٤. وَاليَومُ بِالحُكمِ يا وَيلاهُ قَد نَطَقوا
عَلَيَّ حَتّى لاقى ما أُعايِنُهُ

5. And proceed quickly to execute the verdict with a glance
And its eyebrows in subjugating me are aiding it.

٥. وَباشِرِ اللَحظَ تَنفيذَ القَضا عِجلاً
وَحاجِباهُ عَلى قَهري تُعاوِنُهُ