1. A happy new year has come to you renewed
With loyalty's virtue and purity it attends you
١. عامٌ سَعيد قَد أَتاكَ مُجَدَّداً
حُسنُ الوَلاءِ وَبِالصَفا يَتَعَهَّدُكَ
2. And comes following after you
A month that brings joy, another that extols you
٢. وَيَقدِمَن مُتابِعاً لِجَنابِكُم
شَهراً يُسَرُّ وَآخَرُ يَستَحمِدُكَ
3. And it returns after the end like it
With its conditions and goodness it enriches you
٣. وَيَعودُ مِن بَعدِ النِهايَةِ مِثلُهُ
بِشُروطِهِ وَبِخَيرِهِ يَستَرفِدُكَ
4. And I congratulate, my master, this
And date it in what I recite to you
٤. وَأَنا أُبارِكُ أَيُّها المَولى بِهِ
واؤرخن إِلَيهِ فيما أُنشِدُكَ
5. So rejoice and remain in comfort and prosperity
Good fortune serves and the Guardian brings you happiness
٥. فَاِهنَأ وَدُم في أَنعُمٍ وَرَفاهَةِ
السَعدِ يَخدِمُ وَالمُهَيمِنٌ يُسعِدُكَ