
Roaming in love was delightful for me

كان التنقل في الغرام يلذ لي

1. Roaming in love was delightful for me
Among the beauties and every black-eyed gazelle

١. كانَ التَنَقُّلُ في الغَرامِ يَلُذُّ لي
بَينَ الحِسانِ وَكُلُّ ظَبيٍ أَكحَلِ

2. Until when I saw your radiant sight
Passion stopped me wherever you are, I have no

٢. حَتّى إِذا شاهَدتَ مَنظَرَكَ الجَلي
وَقَفَ الهَوى بي حَيثُ أَنتَ فَلَيسَ لي

3. Going forward or back from it
Do not ask a soul that made a promise noble

٣. مُتَأَخِّرٌ عَنهُ وَلا مُتَقَدِّمُ
لا تَسأَلني نَفساً عَهِدَت عَزيزَةً

4. Why it has become amenable to blame in you
I and your love have become an instinct

٤. لِمَ أَصبَحَت لِلَومٍ فيكَ مُجيزَة
إِنّي وَحُبُّكَ قَد غَدَوتِ غَريزَةً

5. I find blame for your love sweet
For love of your mention, so let blame come to me

٥. أَجِدُ المَلامَةَ في هَواكِ لَذيذَة
حُبّاً لِذِكرِكَ فَليَلُمني اللَومُ

6. Until I carry on pleased in your consent
Seriously to it what I did not know later

٦. حَتّى مَ اِحمَلَ في رِضاكَ مُكابِراً
وَجداً لَهُ ما كُنتُ أَعرِفُ آخِرا

7. You tried me and found me counting kindnesses
And you tempted me and my soul became humbled

٧. جَرَّبَتني فَوَجَدتُ عَداً شاكِراً
وَاِهنَتني فانَت نَفسي صاغِرا

8. He who is degraded by you is not to be honored
No wonder if the slanderers came near and their party

٨. ما مَن يَهونُ عَلَيكَ ِمَّن يُكرَمُ
لا غَروَ إِن دَنَتِ الوُشاةُ وَحِزبَهُم

9. From me when you made them like me I brought them near
I made your haters resemble me so I started loving them

٩. مِنّي وَكُنتُ أُسيئُهُم وَأَسُبُّهُم
لَمّا رَأَيتُكَ مِثلَهُم قَرَّبتَهُم

10. When my fortune with you is my fortune with them

١٠. أَشبَهتَ عُذّالي فَصِرتُ أُحِبُّهُم
إِذا كانَ حَظّي مِنكَ حَظّي مِنهُم