
Their noble nature meant ere they were born,

قد كاد من كرم الطباع وليدهم

1. Their noble nature meant ere they were born,
They were acclaimed for virtues yet unfurled.

١. قَد كادَ مِن كَرَمِ الطِباعِ وَليدَهُم
قَبلَ الوِلادَةِ بِالجَميلِ يُنادي

2. And when life's thread for them began to spin,
Amulets blessed their natal night, world-pearled.

٢. وَمَتى اِستَهَلَّ أَطالَ رَبّي عُمرُهُ
يَهِبُ التَمائِمَ لَيلَةَ الميلادِ

3. Cradled, no lullaby could make them sleep
Save odes to generous steeds and warriors bold.

٣. وَإِذا اِمتَطى مَهداً فَلَيسَ يُنيمُهُ
نَغمَ الحَنينَ بِغَيرِ ذِكرِ جَوادِ

4. Grown, their sapling stirred not but to strains
Of their forefathers' glorious deeds extolled.

٤. وَمَتى تَرَعرَعَ غُصنُهُ ما هَزَّهُ
إِلّا نَشيدَ مَدائِحِ الأَجدادِ