1. O wonders of the age, o elite of the era, o light of guidance and lord of meanings,
Your sun has risen in Egypt, and your light has radiated in every place,
١. يا بَدعَ الزَمانِ يا نُخبَةَ العَص
رِ وَنورِ الهُدى وَرَبِّ المَعاني
2. And towards the full moon you have begun explaining, revealing its status and the origin of existence,
So allow us to take from your light what we pride ourselves on over the universes,
٢. شَمسُكُم أَشرَقَت بِمِصرَ وَإِن كا
نَ ضِياكُم زاهَ بِكُلِّ مَكانِ
3. And grant us from the rarities what is dear and what is dear from beautiful meanings,
And for attaining what is hidden from us, help us, you have a right upon us for explanation,
٣. وَإِلى البَدرِ قَد بَدَأتُم بِشَرحِ
مُظهِراً شَأنُهُ وَأَصلُ الكِيانِ
4. And consider us, o benefactors, deserving of your benefaction from the first of kindness.
٤. فَذَرونا مِن نورِكُم نَقتَبِسُ ما
نَتَباهى بِهِ عَلى الأَكوانِ
٥. وَاِمنَحونا مِنَ النَفائِسِ ما عَزَّ
وَما عَزَّ مِن مَعانٍ حِسانش
٦. وَلِإِدراكِ ما تَغيبُ عَنّا
أَسعِفونا وَحَقَّكُم بِالبَيانِ
٧. وَاِحسَبونا يا مُحسِنينَ مَحاسي
بٌ عَلَيكُم مِن أَوَّلِ الإِحسانِ