1. Shall I abandon willingly the pleasure of wine
Contradicting the words of al-Ma'arri?
١. أَتَترُكُ لَذَّةَ الصَهباءِ عَمداً
مُخالَفَةً لِأَقوالِ المُعري
2. Unless you are certain without any doubt
Of what they promised you of wine and liquor
٢. وَإِلّا واثِقَ مِن غَيرِ شَكٍّ
بِما وَعَدوكَ مِن وَخَمرِ
3. I will be resurrected and then assembled and then dispersed
The atheists say this without careful thought
٣. أَبعَثُ ثُمَّ حَشَرَ ثُمَّ نَشَرُ
يَقولُ المُلحِدونَ بِلا تَحري
4. Yes, this is true, and anything else
Is nonsense, O mother of Umar
٤. نِعمَ هَذا الصَحيحُ وَما سِواهُ
حَديثُ خُرافَةً يا أُمَّ عُمَرِ