
They said Najashi of Abyssinia attained it,

قالوا نجاشي البحيرة ناله

1. They said Najashi of Abyssinia attained it,
The generosity of the Honorable with the rank of the Excellent.

١. قالوا نَجاشِيُّ البُحَيرَةِ نالَهُ
كَرَمُ العَزيزِ بِرُتبَةِ المُتَمايِزِ

2. So you loved the ranks of the high ones little,
In truth for one who for merit is more excellent in gaining.

٢. فَأَحبَبتَهُم رَتبَ العَلاءِ قَليلَةً
في حَقٍّ مَن لِلفَضلِ أَفضَلَ حائِزِ

3. But it reached, giving good news of that
Which follows it - the near, successful.

٣. لَكِنَّها وافَت تُبَشِّرُ بِالَّتي
تَتلو لَها القَريبَ الناجِزِ

4. So receive good news, mirage of Hussein, obstructer and secret
Toward the heights on the path, the winner.

٤. فَاِبشِر وَسَرابا الحُسَينِ وَسَدُّ وَسِرُّ
نَحوَ المَعالي في الطَريقِ الفائِزِ