1. My charming one lies about me, though her glance speaks truth,
And nothing seen after a witness needs convincing.
١. أَكذِبُ طَريفي فيكَ وَالطَرفُ صادِقُ
وَما بَعدَ مَشهودٍ مِنَ العَينِ مُقنِعُ
2. She made me think she recalled me with pleasure,
And my ear heard from her what it does not hear.
٢. وَأَوهَمَ أَنّي بِالرِضا قَد ذَكَرَتني
وَاِسمَع أُذُني مِنكَ ما لَيسَ يَسمَعُ
3. I did not live in the land she lived in,
And that was not for my ear from something it was accustomed to taking fright.
٣. وَلَم أَسكُنِ الأَرضَ الَّتي تَسكُنيها
وَما ذاكَ أُذُني مِن شَيءٍ لَهُ كُنتُ أَفزَعُ
4. But it was from an overflowing joy beyond restraint,
Lest they say: one patient is not panic-stricken.
٤. وَلَكِنَّهُ مِن فَرطِ وَجدٍ مُبرِحٍ
لِكَيلاً يَقولوا صابِر لَيسَ يَجزَعُ
5. So my liver is not worn out, and you have no pity,
Nor does my blamer, for blame, ever turn back.
٥. فَلا كَبِدي تُبلى وَلا لَكَ رَحمَةً
وَلا عاذِلي يَوماً عَنِ اللَومِ يَرجِعُ
6. Nor is my mind consoled, so my affliction calms down,
Nor have I hopes in you cut short, or in you any longer a longing.
٦. وَلا مُهجَتي تَسلو فَتَسكُنُ لَوعَتي
وَلا عَنكَ أَقصارَ وَلا فيكَ مَطمَعُ
7. I have met with things from you I never met the like of,
And, from my evil luck, they cannot be avoided.
٧. لَقيتُ أُموراً فيكَ لَم أَلقَ مِثلَها
وَمٍن سوءِ حَظّي أَنَّها لَيسَ تَدفَعُ
8. They use up my patience, and my stratagems are straitened;
And greater than them in you is what I fear.
٨. تَقضي بِها صَبري وَضاقَت مَذاهِبي
وَاِعظِم مِنها فيكَ ما أَتَوَقَّعُ
9. So do not ask me for more love for you,
For in my heart is no more room for it after this.
٩. فَلا تَسأَليني في هَواكَ زَيادَةً
فَلَم يَبقَ في قَلبي لَها بَعدَ مَوضِعُ
10. And if you divided up my love all over the world,
The least bit of it would suffice, and the smallest particle would be enough.
١٠. وَلَو فَرَّقتَ أَجزاءَ حُبّي عَلى الوَرى
فَأَيسِرهُ يَجزي وَأَدناهُ مَقنَعُ