
Whenever I repent of my sins in all humility

كلما تبت عن ذنوبي منيبا

1. Whenever I repent of my sins in all humility
And weep morn and eve in contrition,

١. كُلَّما تُبتُ عَن ذُنوبي مُنيباً
وَتَبَلَّت بُكرَةً وَعَشِيّا

2. The accursed Devil and my soul rise against me
And grow stronger because of my weakness.

٢. قامَ إِبليسٌ اللَعينُ وَنَفسي
وَتَقوى بِما تَقوى عَلَيّا

3. What can I do, when I was created weak?
For the weak can overcome the strong.

٣. ما اِحتِيالي وَقَد خُلِقتُ ضَعيفاً
وَضَعيفانِ يَغلِبانِ قَوِيّا