1. With victory's gratitude, the eyes of honor watch for you
And with her eyes she looks after none but you
١. شُكراً بِالنَصرِ عَينَ العِزِّ تَرقُبُكُم
وَمِن سِواكَ بِعَينَيها تُراعيهِ
2. Your merit is too evident for me to elucidate
And creation is too great for me to rival
٢. فَالفَضلُ أَشهَرُ مِن أَنا نَبينِهِ
وَالخَلقُ أَعظَمُ مِن أَنا نُضاهيهِ
3. What can I say when you have risen so high?
This is your station - tell me who can compete?
٣. ماذا نَقولُ إِذا أَصبَحتَ مُرتَقِياً
هَذا مَقامُكَ قُل لي مَن يُجاريهِ
4. You are worthy - if the most high has followed you
And the edifice of your glory has undisguised foundations
٤. أَنتَ الجَديرُ إِذا العَليا لَكَ أَتبَعَت
وَبَيتُ مَجدِكَ لا تَخفى مَبانيهِ
5. And thus it was, and Al-Abbas is our master
Lord of generosity, his hands do not fail us
٥. وَهَكَذا كانَ فَالعَبّاسُ سَيِّدُنا
رَبِّ المَكارِمِ لا نَعدِمُ أَياديهِ
6. When he saw your sublime destiny and what traits
You were characterized by, with your supreme virtues
٦. لَمّا رَأى قَدرَكَ السامي وَما اِتَّصَفَت
بِهِ سَجايا بِعَلياكُم تُناغيهِ
7. He gave you the rank of glory which you are its joy
So his kindness came freely to its seeker
٧. أَولاكَ رُتبَةَ مَجدٍ أَنتَ بَهجَتُها
فَجاءَ إِحسانُهُ عَفواً لِراجيهِ
8. And he who came seeking, dating it back to him
Travel, oh Father of Victory, your glories have increased
٨. وَمَن لَدُنهُ أَتى داعٍ يُؤَرِّخُهُ
سَروا أَبا النَصرِ قَد زادَت مَعاليهِ
9. So rejoice and congratulate while continuing in supreme glory
A cup of serenity, intimate with its drinker
٩. فَسِر وَاِهنَأ وَدُم في العِزِّ مُجتَلِياً
كَأسَ الصَفاءِ بايَناسَ يُواليهِ