
My ample bosom was straitened, and all my stratagems failed,

وسيع صدري انقضت في ضيقه حيلي

1. My ample bosom was straitened, and all my stratagems failed,
The violence of cares led me into illnesses,

١. وَسيعَ صَدري اِنقَضَت في ضيقِهِ حيلي
وَصَولَةَ الهَمِّ أَفضَت بي إِلى العِلَلِ

2. And my patience was about to break, had there not remained with me
A remnant of firmness that did not depart.

٢. وَكادَ صَبري يَهي لَولا بِهِ بَقيتُ
بِقِيَّةٍ مِن بَقايا الحَزمِ لَم تَزَلِ

3. I did not reckon that time would deprive me
Of anything, or alter my deeds,

٣. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ إِنَّ الدَهرَ يَبخَسُني
شَيئاً وَيَنسَخُ مِن آياتِهِ عَمَلي

4. And persist in a condition that brings me
On the ladder of misfortune up to the stars.

٤. وَيَستَمِرُّ عَلى حالٍ توصِلُني
بِسُلَّمِ النَحسِ مَرفوعاً إِلى زُحَلِ

5. Before revealing its evil
It would from time to time console me and treat me well,

٥. وَكانَ مِن قَبلُ أَن أُبدي ساءَتهُ
حيناً فَحيناً يُواسيني وَيُحسِنُ لي

6. So the soul had times of feigned illness
In which hopes wavered between despair and boredom.

٦. فَكانَ لِلنَفسِ أَوقاتَ تَعَلُّلِها
فيها الأَماني بَينَ اليأسَ وَالمَلَلِ

7. And how excellent a state it was that gave comfort
Had it not changed into misery and stillness.

٧. وَحَبَّذا حالَةٌ كانَت مُعَزِّيَةً
لَولا تَحَوُّلِها بِالبُؤسِ وَالعَطَلِ

8. O time, you were rewarded but did not make my treatment beautiful.
Where is loyalty and measure for measure?

٨. جُزيتَ يا دَهرُ لَم تَجمِل مُعامَلَتي
أَينَ الوَفاءَ وَأَينَ الكَيلَ بِالكَيلِ

9. Is this the reward of a man whose prison
Was love of cooperation in fertility and barrenness?

٩. هَل ذا جَزاءُ اِمرِئٍ كانَت سَجينُهُ
حُبُّ التَعاوُنِ في خَصبٍ وَفي مَحلِ

10. Who never hoarded a coin against poverty
And was not stingy with aid when asked?

١٠. لَم يَدَّخِر قَط ديناراً إِلى عَوزِ
وَلَم يُضنِ بِإِسعافٍ لَدى سُؤلِ

11. And how much did he help people in their straits
With money and fame in hardship and comfort?

١١. وَكَم أَعانَ أُناساً في مَضايِقِها
بِالمَالِ وَالجاهِ في عُسرٍ وَفي زَلَلِ

12. And how many rights by his efforts were maintained
And selves protected from tremendous tribulations?

١٢. وَكَم حُقوقٌ بِمَسعاهُ لَقَد حَفِظَت
وَأَنفُسٌ وَقِيَت مِن فِتنَةٍ جَلَلِ

13. My Master knows, and if the brethren acted justly
They would say this, though my works bear witness for me.

١٣. مَولايَ يَعلَمُ وَالإِخوانَ إِن عَدَلوا
قالوا بِذَلِكَ وَالأَعمالَ تَشهَدُ لي

14. But against the action of time I had no recourse
Except the disappointment of hope.

١٤. لَكِنَّني لَم أَِد واحَسرَتاهُ عَلى فِعلي
مِنَ الدَهرِ إِلّا خَيبَةِ الأَمَلِ

15. They said, "He was partisan," but no, by God, they did not speak truth
Except for truth, not for sin or slip.

١٥. قالوا جَنَحَت وَلا وَاللَهُ ما صَدَقوا
إِلّا إِلى الحَقِّ لا لِلأَثَمِ وَالزَلَلِ

16. How can the noble accept disparagement
When the evildoer attributes evil to him but does not speak?

١٦. وَكَيفَ تَقبَلُ الحُرَّ مَنقَصَةً
يَسومُ بِالسوءِ جانيها وَلَم يَقُلِ

17. Or how can one strive for that which contains his perdition
When he does not need to draw from a muddy spring?

١٧. أَم كَيفَ يَسعى إِلى ما فيهِ نَكبَتُهُ
مَن لَم يَكُن في غِنى عَن نَهلَةِ الوَشَلِ

18. But such is the nature of the ignorant, who suppose
That the magnate is like him in his base qualities.

١٨. لَكِن ذا الجَهلِ طَبعاً لا يَظُنُّ سِوى
أَنَّ المَلا مِثلُهُ في طَبعِهِ السَفَلِ

19. Cast down your eyes from gazing upon the spies;
Silence on their opinion said in proverbs!

١٩. وَمَن يَوقلُ إِلى الغَيلانِ أَعيُنَكُم
حُمرٌ عَل رَأيٍ ما قالوهُ في المَثَلِ

20. Since my eyelids were shut on the motes of harm
Without complaining or arguing,

٢٠. وَمُذ فُصِّلَت وَأُغمِضَتِ الجُفونُ عَلى
قَذى الضِرارِ بِلا شَكوى وَلا جَدَلِ

21. The changes of what I was given were hastened--oh, what a pity!--
From livelihood, so misery followed in exchange.

٢١. عَجِلَت أَبدالَ ما أُعطِيَتِ وا أَسفا
مِنَ المَعاشِ فَكانَ الوَيلُ في البَدَلِ

22. My condition narrowed, and I turned affairs over
To defending, though utterly ashamed.

٢٢. وَضاقَ حالي فَحَوَّلتُ الأُمورَ إِلى
فَنِّ الدِفاعِ مَعانِ مُنتَهى الخَجَلِ

23. I fulfilled the needs of all who were distressed
And required management, and when crying out, I would pay them.

٢٣. فَأَمني كُلَّ مُضطَّرٍ قَضَيتَهُ
تَحتاجُ صَرفاً وَبَعدَ النَهوِ يَنقُدُ لي

24. I stood up as much as I was able until incapacity seated me,
And it was less burdensome to earn wages for labor.

٢٤. فَقُمتُ ما اِستَطَعتَ حَتّى العَجزُ أَقعَدَني
وَكانَ خَفا حَنينُ أُجرَةِ العَمَلِ

25. Then I took the villages, that I might never see
A time of comfort and plenty again.

٢٥. ثُمَّ اِتَّخَذتَ القُرى كَيلاَ أَرى أَبَداً
راضٍ بِما كانَ مِن عَلِ وَمِن نَهلِ

26. I resigned my soul in despair and sought
The saying of one who said that honor lies in moving from place to place.

٢٦. مُعَلِّلُ النَفسَ مِن يَأسٍ وَموجِدَةً
بِقَولٍ مَن قالَ إِنَّ العِزَّ في النَقلِ

27. There they said, "He has grown rich," and earning did overcome him;
Clay and travels were enough for him.

٢٧. هُناكَ قالوا اِغتَنى وَالكَسبُ أَفعَمَهُ
وَحَسبُهُ الطَينَ وَالأَشغالَ مِن سُبُلِ

28. Yes, I grew rich, but contrary to what they claimed,
With the honor of spirit, not clay and toil!

٢٨. نِعمَ غَنيتَ وَلَكِن عَكسَ ما زَعَموا
بِعِزَّةِ النَفسِ لا بِالطينِ وَالشُغلِ

29. As for buying, I have no means for it,
Would that I were free of the pain of debt!

٢٩. أَما الشِراءُ فَما عِندي لَهُ أَثَرٌ
وَلَيتَني عَن عَناءِ الدينِ كُنتُ خَلي

30. Where do I have wealth without ample means
And livelihood from clay that does not escape a man's notice?

٣٠. وَأَينَ لي بِالغِنى مِن غَيرِ ما سِعَةٌ
وَعيشَةِ الطينِ لا تَخفى عَلى رِجلِ

31. Rather they flung charges; would that they had kept silent
When they saw me in my state and I did not resolve it!

٣١. لَكِنَّهُم رَجَموا يا لَيتَهُم رَجَموا
لَمّا رَأَوني عَلى حالي وَلَم أَحُلِ

32. They did not know that patience in the face of the despicable
Is for the envious, though poison lies in honey.

٣٢. وَما دَروا أَنَّهُ دونَ القِوى جَلَدُ
لِلشامِتينَ وَإِنَّ السُمَّ في العَسَلِ

33. But one whose hand is in water is unlike him
Whose hands are in the fire--the difference between the two is clear!

٣٣. لَكِن مِن يَدِهِ في الماءِ لَيسَ كَمَن
يَداهُ في النارِ فَرقُ الإِثنَينِ جَلي

34. And God knows that I hoarded nothing but
My gratitude to Him, and the excellent share from before.

٣٤. وَيَعلَمُ اللَهُ أَنّي ما اِدَّخَرتُ سِوى
شُكري إِلَيهِ وَنِعمَ الحَظِّ مِن قَبلي

35. So He is my hope whenever I am hopeful,
And He who inspires expectation whether settled or moving from place to place.

٣٥. فَهوَ الرَجاءُ إِذا ما كُنتُ مُرتَجِياً
وَهوَ المُؤَمِّلُ في حُلى وَمُرتَحَلي

36. If I am met with good fortune and time treats me fairly,
I will attain what I wish before my term runs out.

٣٦. فَإِن أُقابِلُ بِالحُسنى وَأَنصَفَني
ذا الدَهرِ نِلتُ المُنى قَبلَ اِنقَضا أَجَلي

37. Or no--it suffices me that the ending be honorable;
This is the limit of my tether.

٣٧. أَو لا فَحَسبي بِها وَاللَهُ مَكرَمَةَ
حُسنِ الخِتامِ وَهَذا مُنتَهي جَذَلي