1. What can I say in response to the virtuous Abi
Who is foremost in eloquence and refinement?
١. ماذا عَسى لِأَبي الفَضائِلَ أَن تُجيب
وَهوَ المُقَدَّمُ في البَلاغَةِ وَالنَجيب
2. The brilliant Abd al-Qadir al-Manshi whom
I made the students needless of an intelligent mentor.
٢. ذو اللُبِّ عَبدُ القادِرِ المَنشي الَّذي
غَنيتُ بِهِ الطِلابَ عَن مَغنى اللَبيب
3. He is truly far away from us here
In his garden, that fresh branch.
٣. هُنا بَعيدٌ في الحَقيقَةِ عِندَنا
في رَوضِهِ هُوَ ذَلِكَ الغُصنُ الرَطيب
4. And he paved the way of affection though unaware
That the heart counts him the most beloved companion.
٤. وَنَحا سَبيلاً لِلوِدادِ وَما دَرى
أَنَّ الفُؤادَ يُعِدُّهُ أَسنى حَبيب
5. So I cannot thank his joy and loyalty
When no branch stirred or nightingale sang.
٥. فَلا شَكَرنَ هَناءَهُ وَوَلاءَهُ
ما اِهتَزَّ غُصنٌ أَو تَغَنّى عَندَليب
6. And I sent him a special greeting the fragrance of which
The morning breeze spreads as musk and perfume.
٦. وَأَخَصَّهُ بِتَحِيَّةٍ يَطوىي لَها
ريحُ الصِبا مِن نَشرِهِ مِسكاً وَطيب
7. And I ask the Bountiful Master beseechingly
By his remaining, for He is All-Hearing, Responsive.
٧. وَأُسائِلِ المَولى الكَريمُ تَضَرُّعاً
بِبَقائِهِ فَهوَ السَميعُ المُستَجيب