1. O messenger of guidance, my state has narrowed in the land
And you are worthy of what I hoped from you
١. رَسولَ الهُدى ضاقَت بِيَ الحالُ في الوَرى
وَأَنتَ بِما أَمَّلتَ مِنكَ جَديرِ
2. So ask my Creator to relieve my hardship, for He
By your stature, O spirit of existence, will protect
٢. فَسَل خالِقي تَفريجَ كَربي فَإِنَّهُ
بِجاهِكَ يا روحَ الوُجودِ يَجيرِ
3. And none but He, exalted be His majesty
Over my relief without people, is Capable
٣. وَلَيسَ سِواهُ جَلَّ شَأنُ جَلالِهِ
عَلى فَرَجي دونَ الأَنامِ قَديرِ