
Why do I see the sun of joy has risen

مالي أرى شمس المسرة أشرقت

1. Why do I see the sun of joy has risen
After sunset with a blessed rising

١. مالي أَرى شَمسَ المَسَرَّةِ أَشرَقَت
بَعدَ الأُفولِ بِطالِعٍ مَسعودِ

2. And good tidings flutter among us
With signs of glorification and praise

٢. ةوَالبِشرُ تَخَفَّقَ بَينَنا أَعلامثهُ
بِمَظاهِرَ التَعظيمِ وَالتَمجيدِ

3. These are signs of good that has appeared
And perhaps it continues with increase

٣. هَذي عَلاماتٍ لِخَيرٍ قَد بَدا
وَلَعَلَّهُ مُتَتابِعٌ بِمَزيدِ

4. They said: Yes, there has shone in our history
Good to Abd al-Majid, unique

٤. قالوا نِعمَ قَد لاحَ في تاريخِنا
خَيرٌ إِلى عَبدَ المَجيدِ فَريدِ