
In the world of dreams I saw your riding camels

في عالم الرؤيا رأيت ركابكم

1. In the world of dreams I saw your riding camels
Entering our village this Friday

١. في عالَمِ الرُؤيا رَأَيتُ رِكابَكُم
قَد حَلَّ قَريَتَنا بِهَذي الجُمعَةِ

2. And you saw the abundant pools that still
Maintain their glory for the glory of health

٢. وَرَأَيتُمُ البِركَ الوَبيلَةَ لَم تَزَل
في حالِها الشاني لِشانِ الصِحَّةِ

3. So you sought the owners and ordered
Them thrown at once into the depths of the pools

٣. فَطَلَبتُم أَربابَها وَأَمَرتُم
حالاً بِرَميِهِم بِأَعماقِ بِركَةِ

4. And the elders over them, led by
Ismail and then Bazmakh

٤. وَكَذا المَشايِخُ فَوقَهُم وَيَسوقُهُم
جاويشَكَ إسماعيلُ ثُمَّ بِزَخمَةِ

5. So the marsh people gathered with their swords
And with each a plow to remove the bumps

٥. فَتَجَمَّعَت أَهلُ البِلاجِ بِفَوسِهِم
وَبِكُلِّ مِحراثٌ يُزيلُ لِكُدوَةِ

6. And their palm leaves behind them, and their sons
This one with a basket, that with a pot

٦. وَبِنَلتِهِم مِن خَلفِهِم وَبَنوهُم
هَذي بِزَنبيلَ وَذاكَ بِقَفَةِ

7. Even the agent came wanting to please you
Never ceasing to make effort upon effort

٧. حَتّى الوَكيلُ وَقَد أَتى يَحَبُكُم
ما أَنفُكَ يَبذُلَ هِمَّةً في هِمَّةِ

8. As for the judge of the armies, I cannot recall
His presence at the gathering

٨. اَمّا حِكِمدارِ الجُنودِ فَلَم أَكُن
مُتَذَكِّراً لِحُضورَةِ بِالحَفلَةِ

9. And there the officer beats a fifth
In a sixth, and wanders amid the crowd

٩. وَهُنالِكَ المَأمورُ يَضرِبُ أَخمَساً
في أَسدَسِ وَيَزوغُ وَسطَ الزَحمَةِ

10. And I say to him, had you taken care and not tired
You could have prevented the evil of these bells

١٠. وَلَهُ أَقولُ لَو اِهتَمَمتَ وَما كَسَل
تَ لَكُنتَ تَكفي شَرُّ هَذي الجَرسَةِ

11. Then you turned towards us and stayed
That night here in happiness

١١. ثُمَّ اِتَّجَهتُم نَحوَنا وَأَقَمتُم
تِلكَ اللَيلَةِ في هَنا وَمَسَّرَّةِ

12. And I, when sleep had nearly overtaken me
Awoke feeling most healthy

١٢. وَأَنا وَقَد كادَ العَيا يَغتالُني
أَصبَحتُ مَغبوطاً بِأَعظَمِ صِحَّةٍ

13. Perhaps I was pleased in a dream, and it was not
Like what I saw in wakefulness

١٣. فَلَعَلَّني خَيراً رَأضيتُ وَلَم يَكُن
هَذا المَنامُ كَما أُري في اليَقظَةِ