
For the owner of this grave we ask our Lord

لصاحب هذا القبر نسأل ربنا

1. For the owner of this grave we ask our Lord
To bestow continuous benevolence and abundant grace

١. لِصاحِبِ هَذا القَبرِ نَسأَل رَبَّنا
تَتابَعَ إِحسانٌ وَإِسباغٌ أَفضالِ

2. For he was generous and kind, held in high esteem
A lover of good, reviver of family tradition

٢. فَقَد كانَ مِقداماً كَريماً مَكرَما
مُحِباً لِخَيرٍ مُحيِياً سَنَةَ الآلِ

3. He met his Master in acceptance
And dwells now in Paradise, in a lofty abode

٣. وَقابِل مَولاهُ فَقوبِلَ بِالرِضا
وَأَصبَحَ في الفِردَوسِ في مَسكَنٍ عالي

4. It suffices you that in Eden, they said and set down
For the protected one, the houris of Paradise gathered for union

٤. وَحَسبُكَ أَنَّ في عَدنٍ قالوا وَأَرخوا
لِمُحرِزٍ حورُ العينِ حَفَّت لِإِقبالِ