
The Al Qanals undertake and be grateful,

آل القنال تباشروا وتشكروا

1. The Al Qanals undertake and be grateful,
For good tidings with your ascent to perfection,

١. آلَ القَنالِ تُباشِروا وَتَشكُروا
فَالبِشرُ بِشرٌ بِاِرتِقاكُم لِلكَمالِ

2. And fortune shines in the sky of your prosperity,
And blessings accompany you, granting wishes,

٢. وَالحَظُّ أَشرَقَ في سَماءِ سُعودِكُم
وَاليُمنُ وافاكُم يُمني بِالنَوالِ

3. With a governor who excels in good traits,
And virtues adorned with the jewels of majesty,

٣. بِمَحافِظٍ يَسمو بِحُسنِ صِفاتِهِ
وَفَضائِلَ قَد زانَها بِحُلى الجَلالِ

4. Courageous, noble, knowledgeable and perceptive,
An ocean whose taste is fresh and sweet,

٤. شَهمٌ هُمامٌ عالَمَ مُتَبَصِّرٍ
بَحرٌ وَلَكِن ذَوقُهُ عَذبٌ زُلالِ

5. Truth is his trait and the goal of his aim,
And justice accompanied him, leaving misguidance,

٥. الصِدقُ شيمَتُهُ وَغايَةُ قَصدِهِ
وَالعَدلُ رافَقَهُ وَفارَقَهُ الضَلالِ

6. No wonder the Al Qanals and its people rejoiced,
With joy for him since attaining this wish,

٦. لا غَروَ إِن رَقَصَ القَنالَ وَأَهلَهُ
فَرَحاً بِهِ مِن حَيثُ نالوا ذا المَنالِ

7. So congratulate my brother for the might you have given,
And be confident in the betterment of outcomes,

٧. فَاِهنَأ أَخي بِما مَنَحتَ مِنَ العَزي
زِ وَكُن عَلى ثِقَةٍ بِتَحسينِ المَآلِ

8. And marvel at what has come in your history,
With the best describer, utmost joy of battle,

٨. وَاِعجَب لِما قَد جاءَ في تاريخِكُم
بِحُسينِ واصِفٍ مُنتَهى فَرَحِ القِتالِ

9. May God make you a path of His bliss,
And through you perpetuate its serenity in every state.

٩. فَاللَهُ يَجعَلُكُم سَبيلَ هَنائِهِ
وَبِكُم يَديمُ صَفاءَهُ في كُلِّ حالِ