
I reproached, though reproach is better withheld,

عتبت والعتب أرجى في الوداد على

1. I reproached, though reproach is better withheld,
One whose covenant with me was ever true, my closest friends.

١. عَتِبتُ وَالعَتبُ أَرجى في الوِدادِ عَلى
مَن كانَ عَهدي بِهِ أَوفى أَخِلّائي

2. When I was sorely tried, and it rent
My limbs asunder and tore my vitals through,

٢. إِذا قَد بَلَوتُ لَهُ في شِدَّةٍ حَصَلَت
كادَت تُمَزِّقُ أَعضائي وَأَحشائي

3. I thought that he on whom my pain inflicts
Its heaviest burden would be first to my view,

٣. وَكُنتُ أَحسَبُ ما يَشتَدُّ مَن أَلمى
عَلَيهِ شَقَّ إِذا ما كانَ رائي

4. That he would come and look on me, as lovers
Are wont to do, and see if I recovered.

٤. وَأَنَّهُ سَوفَ يَأتيني وَيَنظُرُني
شَأنَ المُحِبينَ كَي أَبرا مِنَ الداءِ

5. At first, to spare me, he forbore to ask
If I still lived or perished of my woe;

٥. أَوَّلاً أَقُل مِنَ التَسئالِ عَنِ بُعدِ
لِيَعلَمَن بِمَوتي أَو بِأَحيائي

6. But neither this nor that - no trace survived
Of that dear friend, alas my bitter blow!

٦. فَلَم يَكُن ذاكَ أَو هَذا وَلا أَثَر
مِن ذَلِكَ الخِلُّ يا حَزَني وَإيذائي

7. His excuse was that, amid his cares, the thought
Of asking had escaped him. Fair enough!

٧. وَعُذرُهُ كانَ إِن قَد فاتَ فِكرَتُهُ
أَمرُ السُؤالِ وَنِعمَ العُذرُ بِالهاءِ

8. Can one in direst need, whom death awaits,
Or life prolonged but to endure its strife,

٨. وَهَل يَفوتُ مُحِبّاً ذِكرَ صاحِبِهِ
في شِدَّةِ اليَأسِ مِن باسٍ وَلِأَواءِ

9. Can such a one forget the friend he loves?
No, by the Bestower of love, from Pe to 'Ayn!*

٩. لا وَالَّذي حَبَّبَ الحُسني لِكُلِّ وَفٍ
وَهَيَّأَ الحُبُّ مِن حاءٍ وَمِن باءِ

10. Nay, but man's fortune is a wanton thing
That wounds e'en where the body shows no sign.

١٠. لَكِنَّهُ الدَهر مِسبارٌ يَجِسُ بِهِ
غَورَ الجُروحِ وَما في البِئرِ مِن ماءِ

11. Patience must be my comfort; God forgive you, friend,
Though love abides my friend, despite your wrongs.

١١. فَالصَبرُ حَسبي وَيَعفو اللَهَ عَنكَ أَخي
فَإِنَّ وُدّي دانٍ رَغمَ أَقصائي