
O you who is spirited, whom

يا أيها الشهم الذي

1. O you who is spirited, whom
No playing or jesting deceived,

١. يا أَيُّها الشَهمُ الَّذي
ما غَرَّهُ لُعبٌ وَلَهوِ

2. And from kinsfolk and water
Abundant with which it was never sated obliviously,

٢. وَعَنِ العَشائِرَ وَالمَآ
ثِرِ ما اِعتَراهُ قَطُّ سَهوِ

3. Kheiri Pasha Ahmad
Of his glory, forbearance and pardon,

٣. خَيري باشا أَحمَدَ
مِن زانِهِ حُلمٌ وَعَفوِ

4. Rejoice with the month of fasting that
Came to you, bearing all blossoming,

٤. أَبشَرَ بِشَهرِ الصَومِ قَد
وافاكَ يَحمِلُ كُلُّ زَهوِ

5. And for your righteousness and its purity
I made it fasting in purity

٥. وَلِبِرِّكُم وَصَفائِهِ
أَرخَتهُ صَوماً بِصَفوِ