
O Prophet Mustafa, enjoy yourself, your luck is abundant

أبا مصطفى استمتع فحظك وافر

1. O Prophet Mustafa, enjoy yourself, your luck is abundant
And your dark fate has winked at you with glory

١. أَبا مُصطَفى اِستَمتِع فَحَظُّكَ وافِرٌ
وَطالِعُكَ المِسوَدُّ بِالعِزِّ أَومى لَك

2. And the like of you is more deserving of progress and loftiness
And what expert does not appreciate your veneration

٢. وَمِثلُكَ أَحرى بِالتَقَدُّمِ وَالعُلا
وَأَيُّ خَبيرٍ لا يُقَدِّرُ إِجلالَك

3. So your superiority by consensus among people is certain
Above it the Ruler of the country values you more

٣. فَفضلُكَ بِالإِجماعِ في الناسِ ثابِتٌ
عَلَيهِ مَليكَ القُطرِ قَدرُكَ أَعلى لَك

4. I have risen to the rank of Pasha, and it
Will soon reveal to you meanings that are hidden

٤. إِلى رُتبَةِ الباشا رَقيتُ وَأَنَّها
لِعِنونٍ مَكنونٍ قَريباً سَيُجلى لَك

5. And who, by my life, can appreciate you
And there is nothing in life sweeter than seriousness for you

٥. وَمِن ذا لَعَمري لا يَقدِرُ قَدرَكُم
وَما ثَمَّ في الدُنيا سِوى الجَدِّ أَحلى لَك

6. You have undertaken rules and carried out their rights
And accomplished them justly and perfected your deeds

٦. تَوَلَّيتَ أَحكاماً وَقُمتَ بِحَقِّها
وَوَفَّيتَها عَدلاً وَأَحكَمتَ أَعمالَك

7. And you came as our governor, and forbid a scheme
The like of which we have not seen before, and you deserve the likes of you

٧. وَجِئتَ مُحافِظَنا وَناهيكَ خُطَّةً
لَها لَم نَجِد قَبلاً وَحَقَّكَ أَمثالَك

8. So our council of sweets has oriented itself towards its matter
And reforming it, and determination has not returned to your family

٨. فَمَجلِسَنا الحُلى اِتَّجَهَت لِشأَنِهِ
وَإِصلاحِهِ وَالعَزمُ لَم يَعُد لِعِيالَك

9. And you revived the financial house after its death
So you became an heir thanking your grace

٩. وَأَحيَيتَ بَيتَ المالٍ بَعدَ مَواتِهِ
فَأَصبَحتَ الوِراثَ تَشكُرُ أَفضالَك

10. And as for the townspeople, your gratitude is enough for them
And those are their wishes overseeing your arrival

١٠. وَأَمّا أَهالي الثَغرِ حَسبُكَ شُكرُهُم
وَتِلكَ أَمانيهِم تُراقِبُ إِقبالَك

11. And there is no doubt that they said and I attained and recorded
You will reach Ibrahim through seriousness your hopes

١١. وَلا رَيبَ أَن قالوا وَنِلتُ وَأَرخوا
سَتَبلُغُ إِبراهيمَ بِالجَدِّ آمالَك