
O you whose eloquence transcends the highest heights

يا من تسامت بل تعلو بلاغته

1. O you whose eloquence transcends the highest heights
The Pleiades have fallen and there is no echo in the horizon

١. يا مَن تَسامَت بَل تَعلو بَلاغَتَهُ
سَمطَ الثُرَيّا وَما في المَيزِ تَرديدُ

2. And your innovations in poetry have surpassed the masters
To you belongs eternal glory in the heavens

٢. وَقَد تَسامَت عَلى الشِعري بَدائِعَهُ
وَمَن لَهُ في سَماءِ المَجدِ تَمجدُ

3. Your Lord has singled you out, so follow it
With the position you deserve, counted among the greatest

٣. حَباكَ مَولاكَ تَمييزاً وَاِردِفهُ
بِمَنصِبِ قَدرِهِ في الفَخرِ مَعدودُ

4. As reward for your truthfulness, fulfillment and nobility
Since your purpose and sincerity are well known

٤. جَزاءَ صِدقِكَ إيفاءَ وَمَكرَمَةٌ
إِذ حَسَّ قَصدَكَ وَالإِخلاصُ مَعهودُ