1. O brotherly affection, help me endure
The toil of farming, how miserable and muddy it is
١. أَخا الوِدادِ أَعنى في مُكابَدَتي
أَمرُ الفَلاحَةِ ما أَشقى وَأَوحَلَهُ
2. The harvest report has come this year
Showing seventy thousand, a number that astounds
٢. قَد جاءَني الكَشفُ هَذا العامُ مُحتَوِياً
سَبعينَ أَلفاً أَرى في الرَقَمِ جَملَهُ
3. How glad I was, thinking the cotton would suffice
But they exaggerated it and inflated its yield
٣. وَكَم فَرِحتُ وَقُلتُ القُطنَ مِنهُ وَفا
إِذا بِالغَوا فيهِ وَاِستَعلوا مَحصَلَهُ
4. So my anxiety grew in vain, oh what a pity
Neither did the cotton suffice, nor did the farmer fulfill it
٤. فَراحَ نَقبي عَلى شَونٍ وَيا أَسَفي
لا القَطنُ وَفى وَلا الفَلّاحُ كَملَهُ
5. Until I saw myself like the town’s money changer, so much
Does he count with thousands and the pillow as his bed
٥. حَتّى أَراني كَصَرّافِ البِلادِ فَكَم
يَعُدَّ بِالأَلفِ وَالحَصرِ المَهادِ لَهُ