
We offered ourselves though we were too proud,

عرضنا أنفسا عزت علينا

1. We offered ourselves though we were too proud,
And we know that pride is not to be taken lightly.

١. عَرَضنا أُنفُساً عَزَّت عَلَينا
وَنَعلَمُ أَنَّها لا تُستَهانُ

2. Yet when we appeared before you,
Lowliness made light of that pride.

٢. وَهانَ نَصيبُها لَمّا تَجَلَّت
عَلَيكُم فَاِستَخَفَّ بِها الهَوانُ

3. Had we withheld ourselves out of pride,
However she might be, pride would be guarded.

٣. وَلَو أَنا مَنَعناها لِعِزَّتٍ
وَكانَت كَيفَما كانَت تُصانُ

4. We never thought that she would be disgraced,
But whatever is offered is disgraced.

٤. وَما كُنّا نَخالُ لَها اِمتِهاناً
وَلَكِن كُلَّ مَعروضٍ يُهانُ