
Do not fear what longing has done to you,

لا تخف ما صنعت بك الأشواق

1. Do not fear what longing has done to you,
For the eye reveals it though depths conceal.

١. لا تَخَف ما صَنَعَت بِكَ الأَشواقُ
فَالعَينُ قَد تُبديهِ وَالآَماقُ

2. Stand firmly and do not try to hide it,
Lay bare your passion for we are all lovers.

٢. فَاِثبِت جَواكَ وَلا تُحاوِل كَتمَهُ
وَاِشرَح هَواكَ فَكُلُّنا عُشّاقُ

3. Perhaps one who complained of love to Him,
Will make lighter for you what you yearn for,

٣. فَعَسى يُعينُكَ مَن شَكَونَ لَهُ الهَوى
وَيُهَوِّنَنَّ عَلَيكَ ما تَشتاقُ

4. Or share with you the burden he bears
As lovers join forces in camaraderie.

٤. أَو يُشرِكَنَّكَ ما اِستَطاعَ بِجُهدِهِ
في حَملِهِ فَالعاشِقونَ رِفاقُ

5. Do not despair though you are not the first
Whose nature was straitened by ardent love.

٥. لا تَجزِ عَن فَلَستَ أَوَّلَ مُغرَمٍ
ضاقَت عَلَيهِ مِنَ الجَوى أَخلاقُ

6. How many a weak lover there is among us,
Whose eyelids and pupils spoke of him.

٦. كَم عاشِقٍ فينا عَلى ضَعفٍ بِهِ
فَتَكتَ بِهِ الوَجتاتَ وَالأَحداقُ

7. Be patient with your beloved's estrangement,
Perhaps shyness or care has restrained him.

٧. وَاِصبِر عَلى هَجرِ الحَبيبِ فَرُبَّما
خافَ الرَقيبُ وَطَبَعَهُ الإِشفاقُ

8. For after avoidance and aloofness,
Reunion may come as passions subside.

٨. فَلَرُبَّما بَعدَ التَباعُدِ وَالجَفا
عادَ الوِصالُ وَلِلهَوى أَخلاقُ

9. How many are the nights my eyes have spent
Watching the stars while tears flow freely.

٩. كَم لَيلَةً أَسهَرَت أَحداقي بِها
أَرعى النُجومَ وَأَدمُعي تَهراقُ

10. Indeed, all my time is yours in truth,
My eyelids deny it though longing speaks.

١٠. بَل كُلَّ أَوقاتي وَحَقُّكَ ذائِبٌ
وَجداً وَلِلإِنكارِ بي أَحداقُ

11. O Lord, those I loved are now distant,
While my body, untouched by their love, pines.

١١. يا رَبِّ قَد بَعُدَ الَّذينَ أَحَبَّهُم
وَالجِسمُ بَرَحَهُ الضَنى لا ذاقوا

12. I see them now content in separation,
As parting itself has parted from parting.

١٢. وَأَراهُم قَد أَصبَحوا في رَغبَةٍ
عَنّي وَقَد أَلِفَ الفِراقَ فِراقُ

13. My fortune has darkened in their eyes,
Seeking light but betrayed by blindness.

١٣. وَاِسوَدَّ حَظّي عِندَهُم لَمّا سَرى
يَبغي الضِياءَ وَخانَهُ الأَمحاقُ

14. Grayness has scorched my head as if
The fires of my youth had burned it.

١٤. وَالرَأسُ أَحرَقَهُ المَشيبُ كَأَنَّما
فيهِ بِنارِ صَبابَتي أَحراقُ

15. Arabs whose pact I cherished at dawn
Vanish like lightning led astray.

١٥. عَرَبٌ رَأضيتُ أَصبَحَ ميثاقٌ لَهُم
كَوَميضِ بَرقٍ لِلغُرورِ يُساقُ

16. Come, all their covenants with me
Are invalid, no pact can they make.

١٦. وَهَلُّمَ عَهدي بِالمِلاحِ جَميعُهُم
أَن لا يَصِحَّ لَدَيهِم ميثاقُ