
When I was chosen for my wisdom and skill

لما اصطفيت بفطنة ومهارة

1. When I was chosen for my wisdom and skill
And honored for memory and good celebration

١. لَمّا اِصطَفَيتُ بِفِطنَةٍ وَمَهارَةٍ
وَخَصَّصتُ بِالذِكرى وَحُسنُ الاِحتِفا

2. The envious said, "How many skilled we see!"
I said to them, "Not every skilled one is the Chosen."

٢. قالَ الحَواسِدِ كَم نَرى مِن ماهِرِ
قُلتُ لَهُم ما كُلُّ ماهِرِ مُصطَفى