
No affair is ordained without predestination

ما تم أمر بلا سبق إلى قدر

1. No affair is ordained without predestination
So contentment lies in ease and in tribulation

١. ما تَمَّ أَمرٌ بِلا سَبقٍ إِلى قَدرِ
فَلَيسَ إِلّا الرِضا في الصَفوِ وَالكَدَرِ

2. And no conditions ever changed from this to that
Except by wisdom of the Doer, the All-Determiner

٢. وَما اِستَحالَت شُؤونٌ مِن هُنا وَعَنا
إِلّا بِحِكمَةِ فِعالٍ وَمُقتَدِرِ

3. Man dislikes not a thing, however it appalls
For it may be goodness for him in guise that harms

٣. لا يَكرَهُ المَرءُ شَيئاً ساءَهُ فَعَسى
يَكونُ خَياراً لَهُ في زِيِّ ذي ضَرَرِ

4. And if the doer of good meets harm, for him
Will be recompense concealed, from Giver of Boons

٤. وَإِن يَقُع صاحِبُ المَعروفِ كانَ لَهُ
مِن صُنعِهِ مُتكافي الغَيبِ مُستَتَرِ

5. Whoso has portion in the unseen will obtain it
And will not die before it, without gaining prize

٥. وَمَن لَهُ قِسمَةٌ في الغَيبِ حَصَلَها
وَلَم يَمُت قَبلَها مِن غَيرِ ما ظَفَرِ

6. O beautiful is bounty of the Lord of Grace
So conform to what is past and hope for what comes

٦. وَيا لِجَميلِ إِلَهِ الفَضلِِ عَودَكُم
فَقِس عَلى ما مَضى وَاِرقُب لِمُنتَظِرِ

7. Leave your affairs to run their course, rest assured
Think good and ask not for news of weal and woe

٧. وَدَع أُمورُكَ تَجري في أَعِنَّتَها
وَظَنَّ خَيراً وَلا تَسأَل عَنِ الخَبَرِ

8. Between a blink of eyes and their awakening
God changes a hardship into ease and cheer

٨. ما بَينَ غَمضَةِ عَينٍ وَاِنتِباهَتَها
يَغيرُ اللَهُ مِن عُسرٍ إِلى يُسرِ

9. This is a summer cloud that soon for you
Sun of virtuous traits and nature will clear

٩. هَذي سَحابَةُ صَيفٍ عَنكَ يَقشَعُها
نورُ الشَمائِلِ وَالأَخلاقِ وَالفِطرِ