
Good tidings it brought, though I did not hope for it,

بشرى بها زورة ما كنت أرقبها

1. Good tidings it brought, though I did not hope for it,
Destiny ordained it, O my bliss and fortune!

١. بُشرى بِها زَورَةٌ ما كُنتُ أَرقُبُها
قَضى بِها الحَظُّ يا فَوزي وَإِسعادي

2. Blessed be a night blooming with companionship,
And blessed be a chance meeting without prior appointment!

٢. فَحَبَّذا لَيلَةً بِالأُنسِ زاهِرَةً
وَحَبَّذا صُدفَةً مِن غَيرِ ميعادِ