
My case in love is difficult and confusing

قضيتي في الهوى والله مشكلة

1. My case in love is difficult and confusing
It has become narrow, and ways of solving it are lost

١. قَضِيَّتي في الهَوى وَاللَهُ مُشكِلَةٌ
ضاقَت وَفي حِلِّها ضاعَتِ الحِيَلُ

2. O my intimate friends, O my companions in whom I trust
What to say, what to think, what to plan, what to do

٢. يا أَهلَ وُدّي يا خِلانَ ياثِقَتي
ما القَولُ ما الرَأيُ ما التَدبيرُ ما العَمَلُ