
O master of messengers, I am

يا سيد المرسلين أني

1. O master of messengers, I am
Of the tribe of family and kinsfolk

١. يا سَيِّدَ المُرسَلينَ أَنّي
مِن زُمرَةِ الأَهلِ وَالعَشيرَةِ

2. To you I complain of a father and mother
From a master who boasts of the elite

٢. إِلَيكَ أُعَزّي أَباً وَأُمّاً
مِن سَيِّدٍ يَعتَزي لِخَيرَةِ

3. Ignorance has cast me with the misguided
And increased my misguidance, blind of insight

٣. وَالجَهلُ لِلغَيِّ قَد رَمى بي
وَزادَ غَيّي عَمِيَّ البَصيرَةِ

4. And God knows the extent of my
Horror on a day that tried the conscience

٤. وَيَعلَمُ اللَهُ قَدرَ ما بي
مِن هَولِ يَومٍ اِبتَلا السَريرَةِ

5. And wherever, o grandfather, say sincerity
While the soul was once capricious

٥. وَحَيثُ يا جَدُّ قُل جَدى
وَالنَفسُ كانَت إِذا غَريرَةِ

6. And the narrative about you has passed
Our eyes were tearful from it

٦. وَقَد تَلى عَنكُم حَديثَ
ظَلَّت بِهِ عَينُنا قَريرَةِ

7. Its meaning, your children altogether
Sons of your radiant lineage

٧. مَعناهُ أَولادَكُم جَميعاً
أَبناءَ أَسباطِكَ الظَهيرَةِ

8. Their benevolence returns to them
And if they did evil, no wickedness

٨. إِحسانُهُم عائِدٌ عَلَيهِم
وَإِن أَساؤا فَلا جَريرَةِ

9. So be my intercessor and guarantor
The truth of your enlightening tidings

٩. فَكُن شَفيعي وَكُن ضَميني
مِصداقَ أَنبائِكَ المُنيرَةِ

10. For your eminent position is hoped for
And I have no other store

١٠. فَإِنَّما جاهُكَ المُرَجّى
وَلَيسَ لي غَيرَهُ ذَخيرَةِ