
May God protect the members of parliament, for they

رعى الله أعضاء النيابة أنهم

1. May God protect the members of parliament, for they
Are the epitome of the highest moral conduct

١. رَعى اللَهُ أَعضاءَ النِيابَةِ أَنَّهُم
لَفي الغايَةِ القُصوى بِسَيرٍ وَسيرَةِ

2. The president and subordinates have achieved glories
Through knowledge, etiquette, wisdom and prudence

٢. رَئيسٌ وَمُرؤِسونَ حازوا مَفاخِراً
بِعِلمٍ وَآدابٍ وَحِكَمٍ وَحِكمَةِ

3. Their supreme court has illuminated our Egypt
And with them Egypt has excelled in every plan

٣. أَضاءَت بِعَلياهِم مَحاكِمُ مِصرِنا
وَتاهَت بِهِم مِصرَ عَلى كُلِّ خُطَّةِ

4. Whenever one of them makes a speech
To resolve a conflict or explain the truth

٤. مَتى قامَ فينا أَيُّهُم بِخَطابَةٍ
لَدَفَعَ خِصامٌ أَو لِشَرحِ حَقيقَةِ

5. I have heard speeches with the best logic
And sensed indications with the soundest argument

٥. سَمِعتُ مَقالاتٍ بِأَحسَنِ مَنطِقٍ
وَشِمتُ دَلالاتٍ بِأَقوَمِ حَجَّةِ

6. So between a caring, conservative professor
Safeguarding dignity or lost in every perspective

٦. فَما بَينَ أُستاذٍ شَفيقٍ مُحافِظٍ
عَلى شَرَفٍ أَو تيهٍ مِن كُلِّ وُجهَةِ

7. One who heeds the affairs of justice, nothing escapes him
With truth, reparation for every darkness

٧. مَراعِ شُؤونِ العَدلِ لَيسَ يَفوتُهُ
مَعَ الحَقِّ جَبرانٌ لِكُلِّ ظَلامَةِ

8. And between one of great, mighty esteem
With supreme protection in the most honorable modesty

٨. وَما بَينَ ذي قَدرٍ عَزيزٍ وَعاصِمٍ
لَهُ عِصمَةٌ عُظمى بِأَحمَدَ حِشمَةِ

9. And one whom you see all praising his virtues
And one who says "my glory is gained through my experience"

٩. وَمَن لِمَزاياهُ تَرى الكُلَّ حامِداً
وَمَن قالَ مَجدي مُستَفادٌ بِخِبرَتي

10. They rightly deserve pride and joy through knowledge
And you will see them at the height of happiness

١٠. فَحَقَّ لَهُم بِالعِلمِ فَخرٌ وَسودد
وَسَوفَ تَراهُم في كَمالِ سَعادَةِ